Do you think there's a possibility you could come?
Maybe / Yes 39.71%
Balthier, conch, Culex, Diallo, Dosu, Eldakar, Flossy, Former-GM-Auron, Former-GM-Belial, Former-GM-Mystra, Général_Argos, GM-Pandora, Iyali, JJJ, Keele Zeibel, Killouz, MagnusKain, Mocha, Nakashi, Peeka~, Sarakiel, shigoobee, Tenshi, Teot, Vortex, Wired, Zone
27 39.71%
Impossible 60.29%
Aaronock, Aeria, Arukei, Avalon_Fates, Aylin, Benelli, Bloody, Blu3Tig3r, BlueAlchemy, Braun, Cactus Needle, Chojiro, Edward Elric, Ellie, Former-GM-Vanadis, Garnasha, gladysfaye26, GM-Ayu, Guillermo, Jaymyster, KohakuSan, Kvothe, Maiden, Makachuk, Neuneck, Nidsrule, Phury, Poff, Pontta, Ryu Van Burace, Serenity, ShadesOfBlue, Slyph123, Snapplewee, SyaoranShadow, The Legendary Joe, The Many Kira's, TheAbyss, tiagosuzuki, Whispers, Yumera
41 60.29%
Total: 68 votes 100%