should i...
reset, follow you heart and do kiel 12.50%
Mxbrown, RoChickita
2 12.50%
dont reset and just do what you've been doing before 25.00%
Corporal, Ngjoko, Psithief, Split Ends
4 25.00%
get a better leveling spot that you can handle in your current build(please give me mob's name) 0%
0 0%
reset and (gimme a place to level quick with the build you suggest) 6.25%
1 6.25%
congratulations, you have just wasted 2hydra cards on your lame sword 18.75%
Antimind, Kari Nogashi, shuning
3 18.75%
another poll by split ends? gimme a break >.> 37.50%
Grepox, Haunted, Magellan, MoonArcher, proto, Tulwar
6 37.50%
Total: 16 votes 100%