Was Orcus' difficulty balanced regarding the loots?
Orcus was too easy 0%
0 0%
Orcus seemed balanced 0%
0 0%
Orcus was too hard 25.93%
Babolat3216, Fyrus Carmin, ManiacManiac19, Nickkiller6, Ptah, Seth~, Vergil
7 25.93%
I was not present during the event, or I'm not sure 74.07%
Aaronock, ABlueJelly, Child of Bodom, Dchestryo, Debris, dualcross, Eldakar, Firenza, Flare, Former-GM-Circe, GM-Azote, Gojira, iSpam, kardi, loveapples, Mara, pnutbuttajelly, Shikari, The Legendary Joe, trinitrotoluen
20 74.07%
Total: 27 votes 100%