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Death And Rebirth - Printable Version

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Death And Rebirth - Bloodbane - 02-25-2010 05:08 PM

This is a small story that explains the process of transcending for Aneko and Saiichi,altho something went horribly wrong.The story takes place Exactly after Loving Embrace, think of it as a movie. Should be 4 Eps Long.

This Story Takes Place after Loving Embrace, click here >??Loving Embrace

Brave Young Hearts,To Read it click here > Brave Young Hearts

Holding hands gently walking towards the sunset on the streets of Prontera, always busy and bustling with people and merchants trying to earn an honest living selling ware from all over the world.He places his hand on her side of the face gently passing his fingers under her ear and her ear ring rests on his index finger as his lips slowly close up on hers and she closes her eyes in trust and both kiss in a melodramatical fashion then doves fly up and church bells ring as the sky turns Red,The city is in Ruins,his hands are covered in blood and shes on the floor bleeding barely alive, breathing heavily as tears were running down her blood stained face, the tears blended in with the blood making a reddish like wine cry.It all came down crashing to him like a glass window, one second happiness and the other second complete misery. He lifts her body with his arms and he notices something was odd, his body felt weaker and weaker, he takes a look to the side where strangely he felt a wet warmth in his body."You have to be fucking kidding me...." he replied as he noticed there was a claw like object was embedded deep into his side and he was bleeding severely.He holds her body close to him as he shivered and he began to loose his strength little by little, then she whispered into his ear.
" I Love you Saiichi, I love you bunche-s-s..."The wind blowed as she ended saying this and stopped breathing as if she just had used her last breath of her life just to express his love for him.Tears well up in his eyes as he could not believe the reality, he was going to die, and his only reason to continue living and entire devotion to has also vanished in his arms and the harsh reality there was nothing he could have done to have saved her.He holds her tightly onto his chest placing his lips gently on hers...
"Aneko...I love you too"He softly then collapsing on the ground with her on his arms as a his vision became blurry.. He said to himself.
"so this is it eh?...Man i fucked up hardcore...Im sorry sweetheart.."

Then a heavenly like voice faint and barely hearable speaks.

"A.-ko and Sa-chi,You..Ha....een.. mmuned to...see.. the val...irie..."
And a bright white light envelops them both as he looses consciousness.

He wakes up,sweating, and sighs in relief.

"was it a dream?.."

As he gets up he notices something strange with his body, he feels 10 times lighter and more agile, including his body strength with showy lean muscles and his scars are gone, he runs towards the mirror in the bathroom and glances at his body but notices something unusual in his face also the fact he seems to have grown more mature like also his hair was longer.For some reason his eye scar where the vagabond wolf was still there, so he removes his blinder that he uses to cover one eye and as soon his eye is exposed to the light he experienced bone crushing pain on it,he barely fights it and opens his eyes to see his eye is back in the socket, unharmed, but something was off, his pupil color was red unlike his other eye.
"Thats odd..." He covers his eye immediately with the blinker that seemed to bring relief to the pain as he hears footsteps and 3 muffled voices coming from the hallways just outside the room.Then in panic he scurries and hides under the bed and tries to remain calm and analyze the situation so he takes a deep breath and relaxes all his body and mind sprawling out under the bed as the footsteps became louder and louder and the voices 2 of em were masculine and one feminine.
About 5 seconds later the door opens as he watches from under the bed, a female like figure, hence he could only see up to her Waist, shoes and a fancy high ranking clerigy dress,a high priest of high ranking due to the threads on her dress and the runes on her shoes,she was most likely a healer.

"Saii?!?... I wonder where the weirdo went.."
Her gentle feminine voice seemed familiar, he felt melancholic as he heard the voice as if it had been years since he heard it.
She turns around to the door again where 2 men were standing, one had an outfit military like with military boots and lots of pockets on his pants, he also noticed the man was carrying a huge bow since one part of it was visible along with a quiver.The other had casual like clothing and looked slim and muscular legged,Saii assumed the guy was one of those muscle slim freaks that defy reality much like his body build,with belts all over and he was carrying a huge axe like weapon on his back, his hair was long and silk like golden and it was long enough to be on his waist.
He wondered to himself who it was.
"Thanks again Heii,and also thankies Silk, thank you for lending him this spare clothing and money till we recover from this mess, i dont know whats going on honestly" she said in a happy tone and one of them says in a masculine voice, even more masculine than his own that utterly made him jealous."Haha No problems miss Aneko, Just remind the looser he owes me one."
Saiichi was so angered by solely hearing the voice he gripped one of the bed legs and started gritting his teeth.And the other one had a lax and relaxed voice, kinda like a druggie but in a cool fashion, this voice seemed very familiar."Psh chill, just make sure hes healthy and well soon, il take you both to an all you can eat buffet to compete who eats the fastest.I Love spending money on the dude." He says almost mockingly of Saii's status in money.
Saiichi Grips his hand tightly almost snaring in anger like an animal and readies to charge out and beat the shit out of the two strangers.
Then he realized something, one of them said Aneko, so he waited till she chatted a bit more then she greeted them goodbye and both men walked off in the distance as the door closed slowly.
She walked to the other side of the room,it had a small table big enough for two, she sat down and layed the bag of food on it and opened it.The smell of fried potatoes and cheese burgers was driving Saii mad and he began to claw the carpeted floor till it was only wood.
"Saii, I know your in hereee"She said in a melodic like tune and in his nervousness he leaps up and bangs his head on the bed.Immediately she notices hes hiding under it and walks towards it slowly as he became more nervous by each step she would take.Each step seemed like a hammer hitting into his consciousness and his very soul was shaken by em.Then in desperation he yells out:
"STOP!!" She immediately stops walking towards him concerned and confused, then he extends his hand from under the bed and opens and closes it repeatedly."...Give me one" She looks at his hand and he only hears silence.He knew he was in danger of some sort, a familiar danger that he seems to have lived many times before.She Stomps his hand and angrly snarls:
He Squirms nervously out of the bed while licking his red hand with a heel mark on it trying to relieve the pain,he looks at her and is amazed at her charming beauty,golden blonde like hair, it was longer than he remembered, her dress was amazingly elaborated, only a top ranking priestess of the clerigy would wear such an imposing magnificence of a clothes, Her staff was shiny almost like adamantum with gold laces and it still had the poring keychain he had gifted her, her breasts were bigger and she was a bit taller than he remembered, he noticed she was wearing a long necklace with a small ring to the end, and he grabbed his chest to notice he had one too.
"Are you ok? She said to him while blushing and barely being able to keep her stare on him.
"Yeah im fine...where are we? What happened? who were those guys?" He replied and asked confused as he sat down on the bed crossing his legs and passing his hand on his hair.
Aneko stands up and slowly walks towards him, then leaps and tackle glomps him while nuzzling and giggling in a happy tone." I missed you i missed you I missed you!!!" She said while laying her head on his chest and he seemed very confused."But its been only one night, i just cant remember what happened!"She looks at him concerned and turns her glance towards the window.
"You seriously dont remember..?"He lays his hand on his head and starts scratching gently."Nope i sure dont haha" He said Nervously.
A moment passes in silence as the wind blows from the window inside and the silk like curtains float up heavenly like beauty.
"Saii...Its been 3 years since...you defeated baphomet and saved prontera...we nearly died, I thought i did but i woke up completely healed and you were gone!."
She pauses and glances at him as tears well up in her eyes.
"Saii ........ I looked for you for 3 years and 5 months,you dont remember where you were all this time?"She asked while her eyes filled with grief and worry glanced over his, he was desperately confused and wished he knew how to answer, so instead of giving her an answer he remained silent.She remained on him for a short period of time then fell asleep nuzzling his chest, He placed his hand on her head gently as he looked out the window, where hammering and the robust noise of people could be heard.Then she softly said in a soft tone and letting out a sigh of relief:
" Im glad your back, i missed you so much." Small tears fall from her eyes onto his chest as he places his hands on his forehead in desperation.

"What is happening to me...? Whats going on?... I cant remember a thing..."

Saiichi Soon falls asleep again.

On another part of the world far far away in a small town called veins...

A Young man with a body build and height approximately the exact same as Saiichi, white haired and his right eye was red, but his left was green.He bangs on the door to be let in since a strong sandstorm was blowing so the man was covered in a shawl.
He Began to get impatient and kicked the town entrance door with such force that bent the 12 inch thick stainless steel door inwards just a bit, shortly after a guard noticed his presence by the sound of the steel.
"whos is there?
The guard asked out loud but he didn't reply,so the guard slides open the small peep slide hole on the door made also from steel and takes a look at him.
Excuse me sir, do you have a passport?"
He takes out his blades and jams one of em into the peephole killing the guard immediately without even blinking,it seemed as time slowed down as the murder occurred, hence many the guards stayed speechless upon the act.
A Young woman emerges from the distance covered in a white silver like cloak from the distance.
"Oi Zaku,what did Master say about needless killing?"
"Hisa stop ruining my fun..."He swings the blade hard enough to make the blood from the victim splatter off the blade onto the wall.The guards whom witnessed it all were in disbelief but one of them snaps out of the shock and sounds the alarm,quickly many more guards stand front of the gate and ensemble while one of the higher ranking guards yells out orders.
"This is why the master said No needless killing."
"Why dont you shut the f*** up and do your job, we are on a mission."
Sigh.."Assassins are so boring sometimes..."She begins moving her hands in a spell like fashion and looks at the gate."well, would you move over please?"
The young man backslides away in time as she casts a barrage of frozen crystals of sand that pierce the steel wall like it was a piece of paper only to reveal all the guards set up a fire squadron ready to pull the triger on her.
"Shit! Zakuna!"
"You are so fucking slow girl, they were dead as soon you noticed em."
The guards remain motionless and one of them makes a smal grunt.Soon after all their heads fall to the ground an small splashes of blood fly up painting the walls entirely red crimson as he begins laughing like a madman.
"You surely live up to your name, Zakuna Jouichirou..I find it hard to believe you are that retard's brother."
The last remaining guard whom was in the watch tower was shivering and sweating.
As the guard screamed and began climbing down the stairs to warn the towns people he gets blasted by a magical force that turns the man into dust.
Zakuna looks over and whistles.."you have to teach me that Hisa Palefire, Haha to think us of all people would be paired, The Trigger Blade and The Madness Maelstrom"
Hisa continues walking over to town and shoves him out of the way.
"look behind you.."
A small poison tipped arrow was stuck on the wall where he was standing.
"If your gonna be that sloppy, just go home."
He takes the arrow and throws it at a bush, then a man crawls out of it soon after dying, and he continues walking towards the town..

As the storm settles down, the town is entirely silent and No one in sight all over, everyone was massacred, the women,the kids,the elderly,everyone without mercy, no one lived.

Back in prontera~

Saii wakes up and sneakingly he gets Aneko off him,Lays her comfortably on the bed and tucks her in while removing her shoes.Then he sits down, turns on the tv, and starts eating some of the food when a faint knock on the door is heard.

He grabs a butter knife and sneaks by to the door to look at the peephole.
"Who is it?" He asks as he slides his eye slowly on the peephole.
"um dude...its silk?"
Saii slowly unlocks the door and darts back to the chair where he was.
"Its open!"
Silk opens the door and walks in taking a look at Saii, then tackles him and choke holds him nuzzling his cheek.
"IIIIII caaaaaaaaaaaaant Breatheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........."

Aneko wakes up and stares at both of em,it seemed as she had become a fire breathing dragon of the very abyss of hell.(she hates being woken up)

"Dude like totally, you got her mad.."Silk said jokingly while trying to walk out the room but saii pulls him back in by the hair.
Aneko Takes her staff in hand and looks at them both menacingly.

"Like dude...Spare me please T__T"
"Im sorry, i really am T__T"

Both whimper softly as the door swings open and an Tall armored man walks in carrying a box.
"Silk you forgot to bring in the b..."
He looks at Aneko with the staff in hand and the sees the guys sweating and nervously frozen.
"Imma Just walk out and let you guys finish ok?"
Aneko smiles "Itl be just a second"
Both look at the man angrily snarling and silk grabs him by the armored glove.
Slate manages to wriggle off his hand from the gauntlet and closes the door behind him as both Silk and Saii receive a massive beating.
Short Fanfare of music on the television interrupts them.
" Im Aaronock and this is Today's Rune Midgard News night edition, today another town in the Schwartz Republic was completely annihilated, its believed that the perpetrator is no other than the world renown famous hero Saiichi Bloodbane whom was reported missing 3 years ago, according to surviving eyewitness accounts he was slaughtering people with assassin blades.Accompanied with a mysterious woman whom her identity is yet to be revealed,thats all for now, why we dont go into today's popular fashions with Namine."
"Hey there people toda-"
Viewpoint switches to top view of the room.
~ silence fills the air like a stagnant musty essence as only the tv people talking seemed to be muffled by the sheer tension~

Silk looks at him.


Saii looks over with a confused look.


"Hey wait a minute, i think i remember something...UGH!"

Saii begins to shake uncontrollably and a red aura emanates from his body.


Silk walks back and gets as close as he can to the wall scared.
"Saii dude, like let her heal you bro."
Aneko casts a blessing on him and he falls unconscious, not knowingly of the situation slate walks back in again to see him tumble to the floor and gasps.
"Aneko arent you being a bit rough there?"
Silk hands slate his gauntlet back.And grabs Saii chucking him over his shoulder.
"Lets take him to the pope Aneko,He might know how to help him."
"Oh...Okay...? Whats going on now?"

"Il explain on the way bro"

As soon as they walk out the hotel,they walk towards slate's peco that was tied to a water hydrant when a big number of Raydric guards surround the guys with spears aimed at them.
"Im guessing this is part of the explanation?"
Aneko smirks "Wow slate you are such a genius!"
"Thants not very nice" He says in a confused tone.

"Hand Over Saiichi Bloodbane!" The guard said with a tenacity and kill intent,something was definitely off here.
"The woman, Grab her too!!!"

Silk places Saii on Slate's peco and tips his hat a bit while taking off the Leather straps from the Axe making it fall and dig itself half way in the pavement by its sheer weight.Then gripping it lightly he lifts it by one hand and places it over his shoulder while cracking his neck.Then turns over to slate and gives him a thumbs up. Slate grabs Aneko by the waist and chucks her over the peco while removing his spear from it and then slapping the peco's behind to make it run."AH SLATE HOW DO I RIDE THIS THING!!!" Aneko Yelled Scared as the peco bawked and ran fast across the crowds of guards heading to them then leaping out the town walls.

"Like dudes, your gonna have to go through me to get em!"
Slate brandishes his gigantic spear swinging it around.
"I Hate Violence, could we solve this issue diplomatically?"
Silk smirks at Slate.
"Dude like Ya Know thats not gonna happen right?"
"Doesn't hurt to ask.."
Both of them stomp the ground simultaneously with a rithm and clap hands as they take a deep breath.


Both said At the same time as they readied their weapons for combat.

The guards start laughing hard and both of them start plowing trough them as more and more seemed to come.Left and right,Soldiers came at them from all sides.
"Now!" Silk said loudly as both clasped hands and ran in a circle while swinging their weapons in a circular fashion knocking down hundreds of guards sort of like a spinning top.
"Dude...I could go for some cake right now, got my munchies raging!" He said as he was nonchalantly axing down people left and right.
"Brother, I dont think that food not is the appropiate topic of talk right now." Slate replied as he was fending off a guard with his spear and slamming another with the shield.

It seemed endless till something strange was happening,Guards were falling apart for no reason and a beauty walked by them till she reached Silk and Slate whom were a bit exhausted due the fighting.She had a graceful walk and very revealing clothes.A Gypsy by trade ,Inasad was always turning necks, sometimes even the bad way.
"Need help Sexies?"
"INASAD!! Oh Duuude im happy to see you.!" Silk sounded relieved.
"Dont think im doing this for free, you will owe me for my services." She said as she pulled a tarot card from a card deck and cracked her red whip on the other hand.

* Ending Theme : Akai Tsuki Aoi Tsuki - Akatsuki - Mushiuta *
(Sorry to all the MushiUta fans but i believed the song was the best suited for the series. If you have another one and wish to suggest it fel free to post it.)

"Come lovelies, I have enough love for everyone."She said as she winked and cracked her whip again as tons more of guards came rushing towards the group.

To Be Continued.

RE: Death And Rebirth - Bloodbane - 02-25-2010 05:19 PM

Aneko passes her hand gently on Saii's face,he lays on her lap resting and barely able to keep his eyes open in blissful peace an tranquility, the garden of the Valkyries is eternal rest and eternal peace. Suddenly an angel descends on them both.
"Its not your time yet.."
And a surge of light envelop them both as Aneko's voice echoes.

"Hey Saii..will we meet again?"..."Will you remember me?"..."Don't forget our promise!"...
...."I Love you Saii"

He slowly opens his eyes and immediately lays them on Sakurato,Aneko's Childhood friend.She was slightly taller than Aneko,a bit tan with Green eyes and light brown hair with thick nerdy red rimmed glasses,Her dress was of similar design as Aneko's but with different trimmings.She had slapped Sai on the face with the healing staff she was holding over him."YOU DORK!!! HOW COME YOU ARE ALWAYS MAKING HER WORRY SO MUCH!?" Then he looks to his right and sees Aneko,she was blushing as she was casting a healing light on him.She suddenly stops casting the light and crosses her arms while turning back blushing heavily and shaking her hips slightly in embarrassment."Im his woman,.his woman..Nyuu,Sqwee!!"

Sakura takes a near by chalice with holy water and chucks it over at Aneko while snarling in anger at her immaturity and she dodges it by stepping to the side and passing her finger on one of the pillars near the healing pedestal still blushing and murmuring to herself.

Saii Manages to stand up and Notices hes still only wearing boxers and looks over at Aneko again.

"Why is she acting so weird?"He asked Sakura puzzled.

"Dont you remember?,You two were supposed to get married if you defeated the baphomet." She said in a serious tone while crossing her arms,then she walks over to her,Grabs her by the arm while shes still blushing heavily and shoves her onto Saii, whom has no choice but to embrace her and she blushes even more and turns her gaze away from Saii.

"Wait... We were?"He asks nervously.
Aneko slowly nods while nuzzling him.

Suddenly the doors of the church slam open and hordes of Raydriks storm in and aim their bows at the crew as a shady figure walks in slowly, his foot steps echoed down the hallway as he walked closer, he slowly puts his hands together and softly claps, As he walked the wind softly picked up and lifted his cloak softly on the wind and revealed magical crests only Wizards of high status are allowed to wield.
"BRAVO!!! BRAAAVOO!!! The Heroes of Prontera kingdom,Oh im so Joyful to be in your presence Saiichi Bloodbane!"

Saii quickly kicks down one of the raydrik and steals its bow and quiver, immediately arming himself and aiming at the mysterious person.
The man quickly raises his hand as in a signal to the raydriks to stop and not take action.
"Why so hasty Friend? Im merely here to relay a message.
I am Lord Tripp Falcienso.And this is my army.I am the man that put the bounty over your head."
Saii in anger pulled hard on the string while mounting an arrow and aiming it at him.
"Why did you do such a thing? Why did you put my friends in danger?"
Tripp places his hand inside one of his pockets and pulls out slowly a small crystal like object, that begun to shine as soon as he took it out.
Saii cautiously slowly approaches Tripp to investigate and the stone slowly began to pulsate and glow stronger as Saii came closer.
"You see here, this is an Grandius Emperium Chanilizer,it will react at the proximity of it, the reason its glowing means the so called Essence of Pure Life aka the Grandius Emperium, is within you."
Saii slowly lowers the bow and puzzled he looks back at aneko whom is ready for anything to happen with her staff in hand and her eyes focused on Saii with a determined look.
"And what about it?"
Tripp puts the crystal away back to its pocket and raises his hand, the raydriks take aim at Saiichi as Tripp Smirks.
"I want you Saiichi Bloodbane, I want that essence!"
The Raydriks suddenly fire and he leaps up, the arrows cross one another and end up hitting the raydriks, they fall to the ground,Crumble and turn to ashes,Saii takes aim in mid air and pulls on the bow string with an arrow only to see the guy was not there anymore.

"Thats odd.." Said Saii as he walked all over the place and searched at the end not finding a single trace,the fact there were bno footprints on the carpet puzzled him even more.

~*On another part of the world*~
A little Skinny girl,wearing a brown bandanna wrapped on her arm, with a cart full of herbs and stems from different plants runs trough a multitude of people."Excuse me, Excuse me...Sorry!, Excuse me!" She continued repeating himself, her cute young voice almost sounded as she was purring while she continued to travel down the alleys of the market in rachel.Always busy and lively where people would trade and sell and buy almost anything.
"Uncle Zraxus!!" She yelled out happily as she ran towards him with open arms and hugged the tall skinny man.
"Hey Hey ..Argh I forgot your name again!" He said as he patted her head nervously sweating and she pouted.
"Its DSL! Denise Sesler Lucian, Uncle get it right for once!"
Zraxus takes a rag from his back pocket and cleans his glasses as he looks at her worried.
"Denise, you know...How much time as it been since Papa Saii and Mommy Aneko have gone missing?"
She slowly looks down at his feet to notice a few small drops of water at his feet.
"Uncle, I know that Saii And Aneko aren't my real parents, that they rescued me from Morroc Slums and my real parents became demon spawn of Satan Morroc."
Zraxus immediately kneels down and hugs her.
"Im starting to loose my faith Denise, im not sure if they will ever come back."
She shoves him, resulting him landing on the cart of herbs and he looks over at her surprised.
"Papa Saii is strong, Momma Aneko is even stronger, and when he misbehaves she slaps him mighty ol good on the face. I wouldn't call them mom and dad for nothing, I know they promised me and will keep that promise.Now Uncle, here are the herbs for all my brothers and sisters."Zraxus stands up and wipes the tears from under his glasses and kneels down and inspects the herbs one by one verifying they are the ones requested."wow Denise, you will be a great alchemist one day, you sure learn fast!"
She Happily grins at him while pulling the cart walking towards a large old building with an old worn rusty metal sign at the entrance that reads:
"Nya Nya Orphanage,Home of Love and care."
Then a smaller sign under it:"Founder: Nya Nya Crew"

Zraxus is tackled by a multitude of kids happily screaming uncle Zraxus all over as he enters the building.
"Look look uncle, I made a drawing of poppa and momma and uncle!" The kid shows him a crayon drawn picture, he takes it and sighs as he places his hand on the kid's head.
"when will daddy Saii and Mommy Aneko come back?" Said a little girl while she held a little blanket and suckled on her little thumb.
Zraxus smiled holding back his sadness and fighting his tears he walked into the kitchen.
"WHOS UP FOR SOME PEANUT AND JELLY SANDWICHES!?!"He bellowed out and suddenly all the kids scream happily and jump in joy.

~*Back at Prontera Street*~
Silk tosses his Axe in a boomerang like fashion hitting many of the Raydriks, they kept pressing on even though many were turn apart they kept insisting on attacking,suddenly in the blink of an eye all of them turned to ashes and the ashes slid across the cracks and crevices of the brick like street.
"Are they...running away? Said Silk as he passed his hand over his forehead wiping the sweat away.
'I guess so...Blast...Now im hungry!" Said slate while checking his shield for any damaged metal plates.
"So now, boys, mind explaining me what the hell were those things and why were you guys being mauled at?" Inasad said as she grasped her wip and looked over at Silk menacingly.
~*One hour of explaining later*~
"I guess they went to the church? Id go there first if it was me." Slate was always ahead of the crew thought wise but no one really seemed to notice, for his age he was very wise.
"are you guys listening to me?"
"Slate not now dude, im like..trying to think where could have Aneko and Saii gone off to."
"VERY WELL THEN!! Il go ahead and search for clues." Said Slate as he walked off headed to the church while mumbling to himself and cursing under his breath.Silk continued to try and think while Inasad seemed to have already lost interest and was drawing herself a tarot reading on a near by bench as Silk was scratching his chin trying to think and lost completely in thought, as if i a complete other universe, he didnt notice the royal guards that passed by him and were checking the aftermath of the battle.
~*Back at Prontera church*~
Saii lays sitting on the pedestal where he was originally was being healed,his body was covered in many scars, most of them he had received while protecting Aneko, but some new ones were seen and as she was healing, she couldn't help but weep in silence and feel guilty.That man that stood in front of her had sacrificed so much just so she would be safe,he even saved a whole kingdom and denied the status of nobility.Saii had noticed she was crying and he also felt guilty,he felt as if even though he had done so much,the fact he would always get hurt protecting her was a sign of weakness, he was very concerned the fact that he would one day would not be able to protect her.So he remained in silence as the green light covered them both and their necklaces with the Engagement rings shone with a green luster.
Slate whom is at the church entrance had grown tired of knocking at the door.It was probably too thick to even make a sound anyways so he decided to give it a nudge to open it.
* THUD...Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak....BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!*
The door had fallen off its hinges and crashed on the ground crumbled.The thousand year old oak wood door had seen its end.
"Argh Blasted old doors!!!"
A Huge cloud of dust lifted up and traveled down all the way to where Aneko,Saii,Sakurato were and they react nervously to it.
Saii immediately jumps up and grabs the bow and arrows to arm himself instantly already aiming at the cloud of dust,Holding with his left hand the bow and with his right he had 5 Arrows already ready to be fired.
"Who is it?, Answer before i shoot all these arrows."
"Its me, Slate, you Twit!"
Saii lowers his bow and runs back to Aneko,then hiding behind her.
"I bet hes here to kick my ass too!"Said Saii in his wimpy tone,She pulls him by the arm while walking down the aisle.
"Thanks again Sakurato! I owe you an ice cream!"
Sakura grabs one of the parchments and tears it apart in anger.
Aneko turns back and sticks her tongue out at Sakura while closing her eyes, and she immediately runs out the church while dragging Saii and leaving Slate behind puzzled,Saii barely able to keep up.
~*Back at the hotel*~
Faint knock on the door, and Saii opens it slowly.
"...How does it look?"He said nervously. sporting his new ranger outfit.His newly Designed Outfit was provided by Heii, whom was a member of the Border Rangers Squad, His leather pockets were more detailed,the chest area seemed a lot sturdier, the sleeveless suit Allowed more movement than his previous one, and he had also a side pocket for smoke bombs and acid grenades and all sorts of small knickknacks.There was also a note on the side pocket.He picks it up and reads it briefly but places it back into the pocket."Hmmm...Landon eh?"
Aneko stays silent blushing and she suddenly tackles him into the bathroom, shoves him onto the floor and pins him down while pressing her lips passionately on his.He has no option but to give into her passionate kisses,the kisses continue and she starts to undo her dress, she unbuttons her top part and drags it down till her shoulders and continues to kiss him while breathing heavily,she was blushing but her look of lust and desire was present.He seems confused and nervous, as he has never done such a thing with her, although it was bound to happen since relationships do involve this kind of things.Suddenly a large thud is heard on the bathroom door, a metallic like crashing next in the living room, and the wood creaking under them.
"...You wont be saved next time."She whispered into his ear while passing her tongue on his neck and winking.He felt a shiver down his spine due to the moist warmth of her tongue and the saliva leaving a cold sensation on his neck.
Aneko slowly opens the Bathroom door and tries to button up her dress again as she didn't notice who was in the room.
A Young man like voice with a Spanish accent bellows from the door.
"Saii you dog! where you aut bish?!"
Suddenly Saii jumps from the bathroom,runs three steps verticaly on the wall,back-flips onto the door,Kicks the young man in the face making him fall backwards,then spins a bit grabs the door handle and closes it kicking the lock closing it and landing a back-flip at the same time as he lands in a battle stance.
"Nope, Not gonna take none of that crap today."
He quickly grabs Aneko by the waist,Leaps through the window and runs over the buildings jumping over one and the other.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! PUT ME DOWN SAII!!!!!"She yelled out as she started punching his back in fear and anger.
He stops and lands at the market place and sets her down from over his shoulder, she stands and tries to fix her dress a little and passes her hand on her hair trying to make it look nice.
"Next time just warn me beforehand honey..."
As soon she looked, she realized he had walked off already, he was looking at a forger making swords."she walks over to him angrily, closes her hand in a fist and swings for his head,he ducks and dodges it without looking at her and he continues to talk with the Blacksmith forger about a bow made of steel.She gets much more angry and swings again and again and again for random parts of his body.Then she grabs his butt gently and he jumps up squealing, then she punches him on the head.He turns around an flicks her nose in anger and turns back again to barter with the blacksmith forger.She stays arms crossed as he continues to talk."So do you think you can have it done by tomorrow?"
"Yeah sure, although those kind of metal ores might cost you a bit."
"No worries, I have money to spare, Just make sure you make it exactly the way i described it and also make sure the seams are sealed."
"Yes sir,Come by tomorrow and it will be done"
"Alright thanks"
He turns back at Aneko whom was had her face red in anger,He walks over to the banker and signs some papers,then comes back with a checkbook,then hands it over to Aneko.
"Whats this for?"
"Remember how we always used to share the money 50~50 when ever we did a mission and Etc.?"
She nods and continues looking at him.
"Well,there was a reward for defeating the Arch Baphomet..."
"Wait..How much we talking about?"
"Well, take a look at the balance in the checkbook."
She opens it and reads the 8 digit number in it and faints,he manages to grab her and hold her patting her face in an attempt to wake her up.
~*Over at Geffen*~
A large building that stands tall and mighty compared to the many others, with a large sign on the entrance."Rune Midgarts News Network"
A Young man with a feminine like look and a feminine voice walks out the main door accompanied by a??male Gunslinger carrying a camera and a crusader female carrying some boxes with equipment to a peco carriage , he was a skilled scholar, and news reporter,Also a local celebrity.
"But Sir Aaronock,Isn't Saiichi Bloodbane a dangerous criminal?"Asked the Camera man nervously, as he felt he was going to be in danger with this interview job.
Aaron pokes him on the face and places his hand on his hip while he passes his other by his medium-long hazel colored hair,looking at the nervous crew member with a look of confidence he has no words to say, although his look of determination was enough to encourage the cameraman to continue and proceed without any worries."Il protect you" He meant with his eyes.
"Now then,Lets get this interview GOING!"his young feminine like voice bellowed as the Pecos dashes with all their might dragging the carriage down the road.

~*Somewhere in the desert of the Schwartz republic*~
"Sekaru Careful nigga, this Zakuna guy means buisness!" Said Pyronic nervously while pressing his hand on a cut wound over his shoulder,in pain due to the deep gash he had received, he was never hurt this way,proof Zakuna's skill as an assassin was well over Pyronic's.
"I Know I know Bro,chill I got this covered." Said Sekaru in his relaxed tone, his tone of confidence as he approached,he was holding one sword on one hand, and his trusted bone dagger on the other.
"Phantom Sword Barrage!!" Roared out Sekaru as he swung his sword at almost not visible speed at Zakuna.
"Cross Ripper Slasher!!"Howled out Zakuna as he unleashed a relentless barrage of slashes at Sekaru, both weapons meet and a surge of many sparks and shards of super heated impacted metal fly by them.Pyronic is amazed at the fact he was evenly matched with Sekaru.
Sekaru suddenly fade steps onto Zakuna's back and attempt a backstab,Immediately Zakuna backslides and unleashes another barrage of blades on Sekaru whom this time was barely able to keep up.
"CRUD! Ive gotten so Rusty!"
"SEKARU!! BEHIND YOU!!!!"Yelled out Pyronic as Hisa was behind Sekaru casting a spell, she was halfway through due to the light amount accumulated on her hands.Pyronic has no choice but to dash and attempt to kill her before she lands her magic on him.
"DIE WHORE!!!" Roared Pyronic as he plunged his blade onto her back and twisted it then pulling it out lathered in black blood.
Zakuna stops fighting to look over at Hisa,at the same time he does so, Sekaru plunges both his sword onto his chest and his bone dagger on his neck.
A moment of silence follows then suddenly a crackle of laughter from both Zakuna and Hisa as both stand up.
Zakuna dusts himself and then pulls the sword from his chest and then the dagger from his neck,then the wounds seal themselves off with a dark vapor like haze.
"We are neither dead or alive.We are dark spawn."
Sekaru immediately knowing this battle was one sided,casted his honor aside,Grabbed hold of Pyronic and blasted the floor with a few smoke bombs making a smoke curtain to ease their escape.
"Tunnel Drive!!" Yelled out Sekaru,as the smoke cleared, there was nothing left but a deep and steep hole that seemed to lead to an underground cave system.
Hisa begins to charge up a spell when he interrupts her abruptly by grabbing hold of her hand.
"Let them go,It will be fun later on."
She nods and both continue walking towards the north,Rachel.

~ To be Continued >>>

RE: Death And Rebirth - Bloodbane - 02-25-2010 05:19 PM


RE: Death And Rebirth - Bloodbane - 02-25-2010 05:20 PM


RE: Death And Rebirth - Silk - 03-01-2010 04:14 PM

Like, dude. Ya totally made me talk like, way too casual, man. Like, always like, totally saying the same 5 words like every sentence. Dude. >.o

RE:??Death And Rebirth - Bloodbane - 03-01-2010 07:10 PM

Silk Wrote:Like, dude. Ya totally made me talk like, way too casual, man. Like, always like, totally saying the same 5 words like every sentence. Dude. >.o

You said you wanted silk casual >_>

RE: ??Death And Rebirth - Manifus - 03-01-2010 07:12 PM

Bloodbane Wrote:
Silk Wrote:Like, dude. Ya totally made me talk like, way too casual, man. Like, always like, totally saying the same 5 words like every sentence. Dude. >.o

You said you wanted silk casual >_>

Heh, Silk's casual = valley girl now? XP

RE:????Death And Rebirth - Bloodbane - 03-03-2010 09:46 PM

Manifus Wrote:
Bloodbane Wrote:
Silk Wrote:Like, dude. Ya totally made me talk like, way too casual, man. Like, always like, totally saying the same 5 words like every sentence. Dude. >.o

You said you wanted silk casual >_>

Heh, Silk's casual = valley girl now? XP


RE: Death And Rebirth - Hercules - 03-18-2010 02:46 AM

When am I ever going to be in your stories? u.u

RE: Death And Rebirth - Bloodbane - 04-01-2010 05:24 PM

Your on the next one >_>