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Private Rooms... - Printable Version

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Private Rooms... - Child of Bodom - 09-29-2010 11:16 PM

So me and some of my guildies wanted to BB today. When we rented a room we found there was a Piamette in there! We could not handle its constant hiding so we decided to rent another room. Guess what we found in there? Another Piamette!! So i rented yet another room and found a Lady tanee in that one. Rented the last one A bunch of mobs was in it.

Id like to suggest that perhaps like once the 60 minutes are up or 10 minutes in a room is upp that perhaps the room should like clear any still alive monsters. Maybe before it cleared ask the party if it would like to re-rent room before it destroys the monster[s].

Anyways just a suggestion, dont know if its possible but worth a shot asking. Thanks

RE: Private Rooms... - ABlueJelly - 09-30-2010 12:44 AM

Maybe... Also, you could add an option to the rental for clearing the room... though that'd be more useful *after* the room's been rented, and you know what's in it...

RE: Private Rooms... - Kittie - 09-30-2010 01:00 AM

But if you can see whats still left in the rooms that means you could just look at every rooms to see what has the best/more mobs... and what if someone has broken 200 DB's, the list would be pretty long then @_@

RE: Private Rooms... - Aaronock - 09-30-2010 06:21 AM

An option to blow up monsters but not reward items and experience would be very nice to have. I believe I played on a server with that feature once. :]

RE: Private Rooms... - Trapper - 09-30-2010 07:17 AM

2 Piametes in a row.
Damn u r lucky for having good mvp's.
If u see piamette again.
Can u plz shout on main and tell if Piamette is present?Ok
I Want 2 kill piamettes for jewelery box.
As i can't get enough of them from BB.Sweat

RE: Private Rooms... - loveapples - 09-30-2010 10:24 AM

You do know you need to be 99 to get Piamette from BBs right?

Also, if it's an auto-clear after the 60minutes, that isn't fair to a party who isn't finished with their BBs after the rental time is over.

So, let's say you were facing Hibram, and it was almost dead, then suddenly, time's up, and boom. There goes Hibram, no exp, no drops.

RE: Private Rooms... - Kittie - 09-30-2010 10:29 AM

I wouldn't do auto-clearing but more what a Blue Jelly suggested, just an option to clear the room if you want to.

That way parties can rent a room and just clear the room before they start or continue after their time is up.

EDIT for fail spelling... there=their >_>

RE: Private Rooms... - Matrim Cauthon Jr - 09-30-2010 02:13 PM

Yes an option to clear room before you enter would be nice. Or while you're in the room.

RE: Private Rooms... - Firenotes - 09-30-2010 04:22 PM

you do not need to be 99 to get piamette, ive gotten her many many times at 96

RE: Private Rooms... - Child of Bodom - 09-30-2010 04:29 PM

and im only 95 and i got her