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RCX and heRO - Printable Version

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RCX and heRO - suchi1 - 07-08-2011 11:01 PM

Hey, I'm new to the server and just scoping things out at the moment. I'm a long-time player of RO and I've grown quite accustomed to the third-party application "RCX". I was wondering if it was allowed here and, if so, what the IP address / connection info is for heRO.

RE: RCX and heRO - iSpam - 07-09-2011 12:03 AM

is RCX a bot/macro? if yes, NO

RE: RCX and heRO - Incarn - 07-09-2011 12:07 AM

it's not a bot/macro

it's kind of like a client edit thing that fixes shitty bm, shows better buff timers, and the placement of ANY skill that is AoE with effects off by tinting the cells on the ground a different color
(like bard/dancer songs show up, the area of pneuma/sanc/SW (and how long they have left before they go away), and the wiz AoE spells along with prof land spells)

basically some japanese guy wrote a program and fixed all the shittiness that gravity couldn't/didn't bother with

not allowing it is silly because it's a huge help and anyone can use it

RE: RCX and heRO - Ngjoko - 07-09-2011 01:04 AM

maybe we should have this uploaded and allow it to be used on heRO too, just saying...
Sounds like a great program

RE: RCX and heRO - Former-GM-Circe - 07-09-2011 09:16 AM

Pandora's already looked at this program in the past, and deemed it a no.

Sorry, kids.

RE: RCX and heRO - Aevyn - 07-09-2011 10:53 AM

... look at that program for two seconds and you should be able to answer a question like that yourself. While the creator probably never intended for the program to be a bot, it hooks into the game in the exact same way. You're even asking for the connection information to the server, and that should put up warning signs pretty fast.

If you allow an application like this, you're pretty much saying that it's okay to use full out client hooks. As I said, the intention of the application may be all in good faith, but the features provided are done so in a way that can otherwise allow for a lot of cheating.

Instead of looking towards 3rd party client hooks that could potentially be used for botting/macros/cheating, you should be pushing for the implementation of the RE-client (NOT the RE mechanics, just the client). While this "RCX" thing has more than the RE-client, there's at least a decent amount of improvements in the new client.

RE: RCX and heRO - Incarn - 07-09-2011 05:41 PM

RCX cannot be potentially used for botting/macros/cheating, unless you turn on the buff timers of everything and see what's going on with your enemies in PvP/WoE - but by that point it's a hilariously incoherent mess of bars and text everywhere and therefore those things are usually turned off

it's written in good faith and runs in good faith ('cept for the buff thing) unless you specifically edit the program yourself to make it bot/macro/cheat

but it's a no from the GMs so moot point anyway

RE: RCX and heRO - Aevyn - 07-09-2011 06:06 PM

It's not a bot unless you turn it on? Right. It's a client hook. It reads packets and memory... it's not something any server should support. If you use it and get away with it, good for you... but I don't think official support for a client hook should ever be expected.

RE: RCX and heRO - Incarn - 07-09-2011 06:33 PM

alright lemme reword it because it seems you think it's a flick of a switch to have RCX suddenly botting and macroing for you

you may as well write your own botting or macro program or use something that isn't RCX for botting or macroing. it does read packets and memory, but it's purely for fixing the client and other convenience items like an FPS counter and the tinting of cells with effects off (only reason i ever even noticed or considered using it).

i can understand the GMs about not allowing it, and agree a bit - but RCX can never bot or macro or even actually allow you to cheat in any way unless you do extensive edits to the programming of it yourself (in which you're better off writing your own or just using something else that's already meant for botting, macroing, or cheating)

if you still think RCX will allow you to bot/macro/cheat to where it is an advantage to you, well... eh, i give up

RE: RCX and heRO - Aevyn - 07-09-2011 06:48 PM

I was just poking at your wording, which I am sorry about. My intention was not to argue.

I have never used the application, I have just skimmed through information about it. I understand, as I said in my original post, that it's created in good faith and all. I also understand that it's not a bot application. The issue is that it's a client hook; a packet/memory reader. As far as I understand, it does not send anything, but this should not be reason enough to officially allow it as a lot of cheating can be done without sending information to the server. Again, I'm not saying that this specific application does this, but if you allow the use of one packet/memory reader... where do you draw the line, and how do you prove that those rules are being followed?

As you said, the GM's have already stated that they do not support it, and that's really the end of the discussion. I just figured people should be aware of what kind of an application it is, so they know what they're getting into.