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Make fishing/mining faster - Printable Version

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Make fishing/mining faster - Menace651 - 08-17-2011 12:32 PM

im not talking about mass fishing/mining or bulk fishing/mining but rather changing it to like a single click system for one attempt instead of having to jump through three windows by doing the *click spam enter method. Or just have one continous window where you can just spam enter. I dont think this affect the balance of the game or anything it. It would just let players fish/mine faster and save us from a lot of sore wrists.

RE: Make fishing/mining faster - Session - 08-17-2011 01:39 PM


Overlap the menus, and just have it to where you can click with the mouse, and when "OK" is clicked and the next menu pops up, you're already clicking the button.

Problem solved. =D

RE:??Make fishing/mining faster - Menace651 - 08-17-2011 06:29 PM

takhara Wrote:Lol.

Overlap the menus, and just have it to where you can click with the mouse, and when "OK" is clicked and the next menu pops up, you're already clicking the button.

Problem solved. =D

I know this but still you are clicking 3 times just for each fish/mine attempt(if successful). So if you bring 1000 baits/picks you are clicking 3000times!!! Why not just make it so 1 click of a mouse or 1 push of enter is enough for an attempt. You would only have to click 1000 times (3x less). My sore fingers and hands would really appreciate it Kissy. It would also be easier on our mouses (they do break down).

Like i said i don't see why this would hurt the balance of the game. It would still cost zeny to buy baits/picks and players would still be able to only fish/mine what their weight can hold. It would just speed it up a little and be a little easier on our sore wrists and fingers.

RE: Make fishing/mining faster - Shikari - 08-17-2011 06:39 PM

I think that what makes mining/fishing not utterly broken, is the fact you have to sit there lol. At most do this but add some kind of timer, even though there are 1000+ ways to go over it.

RE:??Make fishing/mining faster - Menace651 - 08-17-2011 06:49 PM

Shikari Wrote:I think that what makes mining/fishing not utterly broken, is the fact you have to sit there lol. At most do this but add some kind of timer, even though there are 1000+ ways to go over it.

I agree with this. Fishing/mining is a little OP. And sitting there to fish/mine is part of the challenge, but the GM's could make it a little less gruelling. Having to sit there and spam enter and click like crazy is kind of hard on our hands and mouses.

RE: Make fishing/mining faster - The Legendary Joe - 08-17-2011 07:22 PM

I think it'd be harder to check if someone's macro/botting a mining/fishing spot if they don't have to re-click it. Otherwise, I'd agree.

RE: Make fishing/mining faster - Flare - 08-17-2011 08:14 PM

They can always make the mining/fishing spot move slowly. >_>

RE: Make fishing/mining faster - Session - 08-17-2011 08:24 PM

I say leave it alone. I fished 4k baits in about, 3 hours or more I believe the other day- and hardly got 400 mutant fish and the same in salmon.

Its fine. Don't fix what isn't broken. Besides- nobody cares about fish so much anymore, aside from champs for the most part. War doesn't use it. BG doesn't use it.

I hardly ever use them- but i've been irked with low sp lately, so I got mad and fished for hours. =D