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Trial of Heroes October 2012 Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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Trial of Heroes October 2012 Feedback Thread - GM-Pandora - 10-20-2012 03:27 PM

Trial of Heroes October 20th, Feedback Thread
Host: Pandora with the help of Chaucer and Radiance

Monsters: customs made by Pandora
Gold Lady

100 Goat Skin
40 Demonic Horns
26 Flower of Lady
8 Fancy Robe
8 Moon Jewel

- The MVP Orcus has 3 summons: Anastasia, Isha-Denarthun and ..? kauvra (4 people got it right)
- Which weapon gives you 50% more damage on demi-human by itself? infiltrator (15 people got it right)
- Which Filir skill makes the homunculus attack with its beak? moonlight (16 people got it right)
- What element are the arrow you can craft from a Battered Kettle? neutral / normal (21 people got it right)
- What is the color of the herb that enters the Honey Herbal Tea recipe? white (14 people got it right)
- Which city will you go to if you want to craft a Ph.D Hat? prontera / pront (15 people got it right)

Mass Battle:
Dark Won!

Light - 29 Players
Dark - 20 Players

Duration: 4h30

Thanks to those who joined the event!

Here's one of the few screen shots that turned out from the end, a lot of the other ones had people talking in them.
[Image: screenheRO-Server008-1.jpg]

RE: Trial of Heroes October 2012 Feedback Thread - demishock - 10-20-2012 03:36 PM

Monster Trial - balanced. Had two rounds where almost everyone won and two rounds where almost everyone died, with a boss that we had a decent chance of escaping from rather than instant death upon walking up to her. XD

Item Trial - balanced. Liked the amount of time given vs. what we were asked to collect. Good amounts of everything, based on the drop rates. Wasn't impossibly hard, and wasn't painfully easy. I pulled out 45 points in the end, but for a while there I was biting my nails thinking I wasn't going to get them all in time.

Trivia - seemed balanced to me (I got 3 out of 6, so... perfect balance! haha)

Way to go, Dark side! \o/ ILU guys. We managed it two months in a row, now. Seems our epic losing streak is over. :D No longer can we walk into ToH and say for certain "Dark never wins mass battle".

Overall, very enjoyable, IMO! <3

RE: Trial of Heroes October 2012 Feedback Thread - cane 33 - 10-20-2012 04:23 PM

Two High priest too OP for dark.

Monster trial balanced, don't do item trial but sound easy (rate 4x help!).

I hate the Kauvra Boots Mad

RE: Trial of Heroes October 2012 Feedback Thread - mahawirasd - 10-20-2012 11:12 PM

a well thought out TOH, thanks Panda!

only got 20/50 monsters, but i guess it's just my bad luck and noobness rather than the enjoyable challenge they posed.
1st of all, it's important to stress how innovative i found the custom mobs and skill combos were.
the 1st wave is undoubtedly hard for melee chars, especially those without sight clips. Nevertheless, getting 5 was easy and the other waves were probably easier for bulky melee chars compared to ranged chars.
The 2nd one was cute and definitely par for the course.
The 3rd one was a trap. They sure look cute and doable until they power up. It's probably doable for snipers, but i guess it was just bad luck 2 of em rushed me and kept freeing themselves from the snare rather quickly.
The 4th was unforgiving. Snap, curse, and Firewall killed me. The damage itself was quite OK and pot/fish-able, but the curse really made that painful and in the end you just can't run away.
The 5th is definitely doable, but the 2 archers' hitlock did make it difficult, and once you got hit by the PPS, it's kinda hard for a squishy sniper to get away.

Items was definitely fair. In our haste, me and my wife mistakenly read 8 fancy robes for 8 dark armors (yes, it's not even close, but it was 3 AM and we were busy all day yesterday), did 64 thanatos, and yet still got 35/50 since we aimed for 50% of everything plus the 2 easy ones (although we were cutting it quite close).

Trivia was fair, contained some esoteric questions, but overall should be doable for anyone who paid attention.

We crashed at 15 to 6 so we didn't join mass. Not that we would have made a difference anyway Laugh

So again, thank you for a thoroughly enjoyable TOH. Hopefully we will find more interesting custom mobs in subsequent TOHs.


RE: Trial of Heroes October 2012 Feedback Thread - Firenza - 10-20-2012 11:35 PM

Still waiting for the day where there will be more Dark participants than Light! My only regret for this ToH is not being able to fight those monsters because of being an HP, they seemed fun as hell!

RE: Trial of Heroes October 2012 Feedback Thread - ChaosPrince - 10-21-2012 01:33 AM

just wondering... what was the gift dark got for winning this month's RP?

RE: Trial of Heroes October 2012 Feedback Thread - Kittie - 10-21-2012 04:49 AM

If we lost mass battle we'd get another chance basically, that was it. I might not be able to put it under the right words, sorry for that.

Now for feedback, monster was good, doable, the boss was a jerk but that's fair, i exidently alt+f4ed when i was potting and trying to send my homun to attack her lol. Rest was fair and square if you ask me.

Item was balanced too, took some time to get items, but we where given enough time to actually hunt them.

I failed quite at trivia, but thats good, since its not suppose to be an easy way to score some extra points.

Mass Battle, i can only say that my AD supply will hate me, but i had the most fun throwing them at people. Also to bad people have to complain about dark's 2 hp's really but whatever...

RE: Trial of Heroes October 2012 Feedback Thread - cane 33 - 10-21-2012 05:06 AM

But is true Kittie: the two HPs make a great difference, without them light can win, because I killed Noel and all other darks can't kill me, but ress too OP.

In the end I never see a mass balanced: or light get too much people, or one of two side get a HP and other side no and think I will never see a balanced mass pvp

RE:??Trial of Heroes October 2012 Feedback Thread - Jens - 10-21-2012 09:02 AM

cane 33 Wrote:But is true Kittie: the two HPs make a great difference, without them light can win, because I killed Noel and all other darks can't kill me, but ress too OP.

In the end I never see a mass balanced: or light get too much people, or one of two side get a HP and other side no and think I will never see a balanced mass pvp

Not our fault yours don't show up.

RE: Trial of Heroes October 2012 Feedback Thread - Nachi - 10-23-2012 08:03 AM

Hm... my first ToH. xD
Was fun!

In the end, i forged all the wrong items at the item trial (couldn't remember which ones i needed) and ran around confused most of the time there. ?o

The monster trial went really well, due to my homun being a lif and urgent escape. xD

The trivia were far better than i had feared, as it wasn't the standard npc questions like "If i sell 2 jellopies and 3 clovers, how much money will i get?"

Um... one thing i didn't like that much was the prize. People told me all the time: "If you get less than 70 points, the prize is kinda depressing."
And it was. Sure, a bloody branch and 3 obbs aren't bad, but they don't make you feel like: "Awesome!" ... there should be at least a colorful gift box added to each prize set below 70, so you can look at the bright colors and be happy. xD
*my rather silly suggestion*

Looking forward to my next ToH, though not sure when i will be able to join again.