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Other AI Options - Printable Version

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Other AI Options - Adrillf - 09-16-2013 09:49 AM

I love that heRO has tried to give us a generic AI for homunculi, but it seems to hate me and spaz out on me whenever it feels like it. Sometimes my lif will actually do what I want and start attacking things before they start killing me, and other times I have to alt+click multiple times to get her to move or do anything worth mentioning and by that point I'm already dying.

Does anyone have any AI programs that they like to use that are more reliable than the generic heRO AI, that still fit the T&C of heRO's anti-botting rules?

RE: Other AI Options - Fyrus Carmin - 09-17-2013 11:29 AM

Personally, I use Rampage AI Lite. It has a good bunch of options although it fails to recognize custom monsters.

I tried to use Thoth AI as well, but the lack of a GUI made me rip my hair.

RE: Other AI Options - Laenaya - 09-17-2013 05:32 PM

Adrillf Wrote:[...] Sometimes my lif will actually do what I want and start attacking things before they start killing me, and other times I have to alt+click multiple times to get her to move or do anything worth mentioning and by that point I'm already dying. [...]
You can try searching for this (not in USER_AI, in the main folder):
<your heRO folder>\AI\AI.lua Wrote:function GetMyEnemy (myid)
local result = 0

local type = GetV (V_HOMUNTYPE,myid)
if (type == LIF or type == LIF_H or type == AMISTR or type == AMISTR_H or type == LIF2 or type == LIF_H2 or type == AMISTR2 or type == AMISTR_H2) then
result = GetMyEnemyA (myid)
elseif (type == FILIR or type == FILIR_H or type == VANILMIRTH or type == VANILMIRTH_H or type == FILIR2 or type == FILIR_H2 or type == VANILMIRTH2 or type == VANILMIRTH_H2) then
result = GetMyEnemyB (myid)
return result
and then change GetMyEnemyA for GetMyEnemyB. That should make Lif/Amistr act like Vanil/Filir (aka not derpy). If you don't notice any changes, you can easily and simply undo it lol

As for custom monsters, I don't think any AI's work with those and that's possibly because of the monster sprites. Nobody has ever found a final answer nor a workaround, so we gotta live with that.

RE:??Other AI Options - Arcona - 09-24-2013 01:22 PM

Fyrus Carmin Wrote:Personally, I use Rampage AI Lite. It has a good bunch of options although it fails to recognize custom monsters.

Speaking of which, is there any way of getting any AI to recognize this server's custom monsters?

RE: ??Other AI Options - Fyrus Carmin - 09-25-2013 01:42 PM

Arcona Wrote:
Fyrus Carmin Wrote:Personally, I use Rampage AI Lite. It has a good bunch of options although it fails to recognize custom monsters.

Speaking of which, is there any way of getting any AI to recognize this server's custom monsters?

Well, Laenaya said it best : No AI has found a solution to custom monsters.

RE: Other AI Options - Ange - 10-09-2013 01:45 PM

The custom monsters don't work because the function IsMonster(id) returns false for them.??My AI works around this by:
1. Checking if the entity in question is a player
2. Checking if the entity in question has a behavior set for it in the config file (I have most custom mobs in there which makes them work fine)
3. If set to strict monster check, it runs IsMonster(id) and will fail to detect custom mobs
If set to loose monster check, it assumes that the entity is a monster (Having ruled out players, the entity is either a monster or pet).??This is useful for ToH, as only monsters and players will be around you.

The best solution is to set a custom behavior for custom monsters so you can detect them without relying on IsMonster(id)

Edit: Thinking more about it, if you do step two before step one, it will be able to handle the warzone mobs also, so long as you add them to the monster array.