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Dakka's set of questions - Printable Version

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Dakka's set of questions - dakkadakkadakka - 11-04-2007 02:01 AM

Ok, i'll be dumping all of my questions here, hope someone will help me out!

Heres todays questions

Are there limits (as in what items you can enchant) to the socket enchanting NPC? And how does this effect the balance of the game?

How many players can this server take without lag? I dont know how true this is, but i heard that when the halloween event was on, the Pumpkin-something caused massive lag to everyone.

Thank you in advance.

RE: Dakka's set of questions - Namine - 11-04-2007 02:04 AM

1) Up to Episode 11 (which means, more advance than heRO) this is how socket enchant goes.


2) Yes it was lagging... actually, a lot of events where all of heRO (50+ players) unleash their very fancy attacks at the same time at once, it tends to lag quite a bit... Namin? sees it as pretty normal though, because surely all the screenshots of other events and the hallow poring ones too show that plenty of characters are all gathered at once place inputing commands and spells, and so on...

The other time of town invasion with Dark Lord was just as laggy as well with all the storm gust and ME pushing the dark illusions back and forth, and endless amount of spells and skills used x.x;

RE: Dakka's set of questions - dakkadakkadakka - 11-04-2007 02:39 AM

Speedy reply Namine, thanks!

question one answered. But as for the second one, it still leaves me curious. The lag is for the same map? or the whole server?

Does it lag only when alot of skills are used? Or does the amount of players on the server effect stability?

And how powerful is the host-server? Im not an expert on technical terms, but i would like a rough explanation please.

5 more questions!

Thanks in advance

RE: Dakka's set of questions - Jack Skellington - 11-04-2007 02:45 AM

I think it lags the whole server because Panda is there witnessing the mayhem which lags her connection which lags the server by eating up all her bandwith...maybe thats jsut a wild guess though~

RE: Dakka's set of questions - Namine - 11-04-2007 02:47 AM

It was whole server. Mr. Anak was talking on guild chat (he sat out from the Hallow Poring) and said that the fight was lagging everyone, and he was laughing at town about it.

EDIT: Not sure if the theory that the server will not lag if Ms. Pandora's player or GM character is absent from the place where all the action takes place. Usually she is on her legit character within part of the action, or is the GM summoning the monsters that starts the battle. Either way, Ms. Pandora is always in the picture which means this theory really can't be tested very often...

As far as Namin? knows from a player and from a technical viewpoint, number of player is irrelevant but seems more closely to all the skills being used on the same map at the same time.

Quoted from heRO server's website:
Server specifications :

heRO Server runs on a dedicated computer (Athlon XP 2500+, 1 GB Ram Memory).
It uses the eAthena emulator and is backed up on a remote server daily.
The Patch Server and Control Panel runs on a different server.

Whatever this technical jargon means should answer the question.

Namin? is a forum-junkie ._.;

RE: Dakka's set of questions - dakkadakkadakka - 11-04-2007 02:54 AM

I see, thanks again for the speedy replies.

I'll be awaiting a GM's reply =)

RE: Dakka's set of questions - Rika - 11-04-2007 02:58 AM

Although this may not involve lag during events, it may be a bonus that the server runs smoothly with the average 80+ players on lately and it has been pointed out before that some lag is created by the players who mass spawn, spam skills, etc. Something that is common on most servers in the first place. HeRO in the end is pretty stable Icon_smile

RE: Dakka's set of questions - dakkadakkadakka - 11-04-2007 03:03 AM

Well, you see, the whole point of those 5 questions was just that.

I came from a server that ran very smoothly with 400 people online. And was concerned when finding out about the serverwide lag that the pumpkin-omgsomebodytellmeitsname thing caused.

RE: Dakka's set of questions - GM-Pandora - 11-04-2007 10:58 AM

Currently the server is home hosted on a 10mbit connection, it rarely lags for people with decent computer/connection and who are not located so very far from the server, except in specific occasions such as the Hollow Poring being squashed by 30ish heroes at the same time, all spamming skills.

We've reached 103 ppl yesterday and did not notice any specific lag, the server can currently withstand at least that number and I assume even more.

Should the server start lagging badly we've always considered going dedicated hosting, which would be a 100mbit connection if we go with the one I'm considering.

As for Socket Enchanter, questions seems answered, if there is anything else you need to know, ask away.

RE: Dakka's set of questions - Asumi - 11-04-2007 11:04 AM

100mbit /rice; Yes pleaseIcon_biggrin