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Good bye heRO T_T - Printable Version

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Good bye heRO T_T - The Many Kira's - 02-28-2008 11:24 PM

Well people, I had a great time with you guys, but I'm going to leave.
The reason I'm leaving the server, is due to a few problems I have to take care of. Such as.. Going to the psychiatrist and whatnot.
I came to love everyone in the server since they helped me cheer up during bad times and everything, but I kinda got sick of everything, which is why I have to go to the shrink. Laugh

I might come back and play in this server once again, but it will be a while from now, maybe months.. I'm not so sure myself.. Cry

Anyway, I hope you all do well in your lives, and I hope that your lives won't be as screwy as my life.

My guild ~Monarchs Of Justice~ will continue to live, just with another person guiding it.

Farewell and I will miss all of you crazy nutheads. ._.

RE: Good bye heRO T_T - Aaronock - 02-29-2008 12:13 AM

Man, whenever you feel ready to come back man, I will welcome you.
You take care of that real life stuff though, its way more important always <3

So as I always say to anyone who leaves, good luck in all your endeavors!

RE: Good bye heRO T_T - GM-Ayu - 02-29-2008 12:19 AM

It's always fun to talk and chit-chat with you in Pront Kira. Uguu Icon_cry night time Pront will be so much more quieter without you now. Come back when you can to visit!

RE: Good bye heRO T_T - areakryte - 02-29-2008 01:08 AM

Good luck with the stuff in real life Kira. Come back soon T_T

RE: Good bye heRO T_T - Yumera - 02-29-2008 04:16 AM

Awwww Take care of yourself ok Kira. Icon_biggrin You'll be missed.

RE: Good bye heRO T_T - fudashi - 02-29-2008 08:02 AM

Best wishes to you in the real world, Kira... Hope you can resolve your problems, and that you will be able to return...

@main won't be the same without you Icon_smile

RE: Good bye heRO T_T - GM-Pandora - 02-29-2008 08:59 AM

Do take care of yourself Icon_smile

RE: Good bye heRO T_T - teOx - 02-29-2008 10:26 AM

always knew you were crazy.

jk (omg was that mean? he has so many split personality kiras!) take care! Icon_biggrin

RE: Good bye heRO T_T - hpk5550 - 02-29-2008 03:36 PM

Hey Kira.. You just had to leave after inviting me to the guild a week before huh? It's too bad that we didn't get to know each other very well. I will miss your craziness Icon_wink

I hope your real life problem goes well and hopefully I can see you back in this server someday.

Take care

RE: Good bye heRO T_T - Snapplewee - 02-29-2008 03:38 PM

If you don't come back I'll be upset.

God Bless