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Cessy's Digital Art Service - Printable Version

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Cessy's Digital Art Service - Cessy - 12-01-2005 02:13 AM

Alright, might as well start this now.

What the heck is this?

I'll basically be taking requests for digital art pieces that do not include making original character art (in other words, I can't draw).

So what can you do?

The services I can provide are:
- Signatures
- Avatars
- Guild Emblems
- Wallpapers
- Guild Recruitment Posters
- Image Manipulations and Enhancements

Can I see some examples of your work?

Here are some of my better ones. The more recent ones are at the top of each section.


[Image: cessygorillazsig10ne.jpg]

[Image: cessysynesthesiasig18nw.jpg]

[Image: odaroospikesig11fk.jpg]

[Image: laurennoodlesig11bn.jpg]

[Image: hgmdoomsig20ee.png]

[Image: drew2sig5lj.jpg]

[Image: cessysnipersig3fp.jpg]

Guild Emblems
Note: The bright pink portion comes up transparent when you view it in RO

The Peacekeepers [Image: peacekeepers17vx.png]


Wallpaper for qRO GM-Kakashi

Forgotten Worlds (Experiment with water effects)

Gundam SEED

Guild Recruitment Posters

The Peacekeepers

Holy crap, where do I sign up?

ANYONE can request, I don't care who you are even if I hate you in-game. This is all for my benefit since each request is practice for me and that's the only way I get better at this. However, I do ask that you make your request clear, specific, and reasonable.

Write requests in this format:
Pick signature, avatar, emblem, etc.

Central Image
You're probably going to want to have one image or more be the focus of your piece. This can be RO character sprites, fanart, abstract models, good lookin females, cars, whatever. Just name it. You don't have to provide the image itself (just say what you want and I can look for it) but if you have a specific one in mind feel free to tell me.

Abstract, space, tech, grunge, gothic, etc. If you don't know those terms, just describe what you want as best you can

Main and Secondary Text
Can be your name, a catchphrase, motto, song lyrics, whatever you want. Just try not to make it too long if you're requesting small things like a signature.

Animation and Other Effects
Flashing lightning? Falling leaves/rain? Moving text? Whatever, just name it, but be reasonable. I can't do matrix-style bullets or make still characters move their arms.

Degree of Freedom
This is the most important part. I work best when you just tell me what you want and let me add my own flavor to it while still following most of your guidelines. But if you really have a specific image in your head of what iy should look like, then tell me to follow your guidelines closely (they better be really specific though).

Do I have to pay?

All of this is a free service except for wallpapers and guild recruitment posters. These take the most time and effort but of course I promise I'll keep working until it's the way you want it.

I'm not interested in real money so payment should come in the form of in-game things like zeny or items. Wallpapers because they just friggin take forever, and guild recruitment posters because this is a pretty unique concept (haven't seen anyone else do it before) and I'm sure an entire guild can cough up enough zeny to pay for one. The specific price will differ from request to request (depends how complicated it is) but it will always be at least 1 million zeny and less than 5 million zeny (may change as the server develops).

However, if you make a really, REALLY unique and interesting request, I'll just do it for free. I do this almost completely for my own enjoyment so if I see a project that looks like a challenge, something new, or just a lot of fun, I'll do it for free even if it's a wallpaper or guild recruitment poster.

Other than that, it's first come first serve unless I get bored and feel like doing someone else's.

About you?

I've been into digital art for about 5 months now, learning completely on my own free time and will. I don't take classes or pay for books or advice, so I'm still a newbie in some areas.

Main programs I use:
-- Adobe Photoshop CS2
-- Adobe Imageready CS2
-- Adobe Illustrator CS1
-- Cinema 4D

My alias in the art world is Mediocre Gatsby since Cessy was taken on DeviantArt.

RE: Cessy's Digital Art Service - Tenshi - 12-01-2005 02:33 AM

I have a request for a signiture actually~

The face of the character would be hidden (maybe by shadow of a hoodie or something like that)

I was thinking 3 characters
1 looking left on left side
1 looking right on right side
1 in the middle (in front of them both) looking straight ahead

The one looking straight ahead would have arms crossed
The other two have an arm outstretched and another arm in a more defensive stance (or maybe not showing at all)

1 char has a knife and fork in hand
1 char has a fork and spoon in hand
1 char has 2 knives in hand

each utensil in a different hand of course and at least part of the utensil must be visible (if the second hand is hidden)

Background would consist of the word "CutleRY" (with maybe the 3 chars hidding part of it)

Everything else is up to you
Colours, char sprite or images from elsewhere the utencils etc...~

Thanks Cessy!

RE: Cessy's Digital Art Service - Cessy - 12-01-2005 02:37 AM


ok I can only work with images that already exist. Normally requests would have broader ones like "a swordsman" that I can actually find... hooded figures carrying dining utensils are a little different. Try to change your request to something that can actually be done X_X

RE: Cessy's Digital Art Service - Tenshi - 12-01-2005 02:38 AM

sniff sniff
I umm...
Nothing? LOL~
Thanks anyways Cessy

RE: Cessy's Digital Art Service - Woo Nam - 12-01-2005 07:25 PM

make me a shadow of the colossus wallpaper/sig, doesnt matter, pick one for me. i posted links to several of the colossi in the other thread u had, i can look for more if u want. as for payment....u still take qro items? ive got like 6 tharas and several angeling cards i need to get rid of

RE: Cessy's Digital Art Service - Cessy - 12-01-2005 08:57 PM

No, screw qRO but since you've been waiting a while I'll just do it for free.

RE: Cessy's Digital Art Service - Woo Nam - 12-01-2005 09:24 PM

wanna give me all ur qro stuff then? i wanna screw up the economy before my items completely disappear from my account

RE: Cessy's Digital Art Service - Cessy - 12-01-2005 09:27 PM

.....no >_>

RE: Cessy's Digital Art Service - Woo Nam - 12-02-2005 04:06 PM

god ur no fun =[
cant u ever do sumthing chaotic for once?

RE: Cessy's Digital Art Service - Tenshi - 12-04-2005 04:24 AM

would you accept request for avatar that is not RO related at all?