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Poetry - JJJ - 08-16-2008 04:16 PM

Fine fine so you got the answer to my first riddle poem, scroll down this page to see the answer to the riddle, or take a guess and see if your right before you do so.

From seemingly nothing
We come from the air
Grasping at anything there
Covering and coating all that we can
Coloring the ground just like little pearls
Crushed by feet of men, women and merls
And as the temperature drops we do rise
Never collected and balled like its brother
And often annoying the windows of another
We are often a sign of what is to come
And yet it?s in the shadows where we feel most at home
But even on sunny days you may find us on your lawn gnome
Come take a look at our crystal arms,
For if you touch us we might bite
But your warmth will surely put us out of sight
And as the next dawn comes so shall we

And the following are a few random poems that I decided to write and share.

Quote:In the light the darkness breaks
And thus many things it creates
Thus the chaos sits and waits
Then the darkness sets it free in the path it creates

In the light the darkness breaks
And thus many things it creates
Thus the darkness slithers
Then the light withers

In the light the darkness breaks
And thus many things it creates
Thus the light does die
Then the people do cry

In the light the darkness breaks
And thus many things it creates
Thus the darkness is held up in esteem
Then the people?s smile does beam

In the light the darkness breaks
And thus many things it creates
Quote:Piercing thorns, crimson tears
Screeching cries and bellowing screams
The sound of broken hearts and shattered dreams,
Always fails to reach your ears.

Frozen heart, frozen soul
Loss of finger loss of toe
The deep black ice does grow
Reaching thy heart to make it coal

End of life, end of pain
End of tears, end of heart
Love for you like a painter?s love for art
Yet nothing is there to gain

Yet still here, still fighting
Blow after blow, strike after strike
Piercing my heart with a mighty pike
Standing here for an eternity, withstanding your biting
Quote:Floating on a cloud
The drop collects together
And then starts to fall

Okay here is the next thing for you guys to solve, the following poem has an extremely strict poetic structure, so lets see if you guys can figure out what that structure is, and what this type of a poem is called. Oh and try not to cheat and use the internet to help you find the answer, because that's just no fun.

There once was two figures seen in the black
The first figure was the sister of figure number two
And he talked simply by using silence
If wouldn?t be long before these two figures meet and intertwined
Then these two figures would become one
And they would be mixed in brilliant colors of black and white

Purity, caring, and generosity where the traits of the color white
While darkness, loneliness, and greed where the traits of the color black
And soon they would mix their traits together to become one
And their traits would no longer be those of two
And so they began their long journey to become intertwined
Thus it began in the complete silence

?And so it must begin? said the silence
?Who shall make the first move?? asked the White
Thus with a deafening hush they did intertwined
Yet they did not mix, for white was still white and black was still black
It seemed that black and white still remained two
Yet they where still one

They became two within one
They became two within one within the silence
And after they had become one they still looked like two
And the one to first speak up was the white
Yet the last to respond was the black
Never one, never two, not pure white, not pure black, simply intertwined

So the two finally decided that it is best to be intertwined
And that they would live and respect the other one
And black would listen to white, and white would listen to black
So the two lived together talking only with silence
And thus formed the eternal bond between black and white
Then black and white lived as one, and lived as two

RE: Poetry - Frogboy - 08-16-2008 04:23 PM

it's the morning dew

RE: Poetry - reechani - 08-16-2008 04:23 PM

I think it is either
1) Snow
2) Morning Dew

if im wrong, ah well.

RE: Poetry - Neuneck - 08-16-2008 04:24 PM

I say it's a SNOWFLAKE

JJJ Wrote:From seemingly nothing -> water
We come from the air -> snow falling
Grasping at anything there
Covering and coating all that we can -> snow covered woods e.g.
Coloring the ground just like little pearls -> glittering snow
Crushed by feet of men, women and merls -> ppl trampling on snow
And as the temperature drops we do rise -> cold --> snow
Never collected and balled like its brother ...
And often annoying the windows of another
We are often a sign of what is to come
And yet it’s in the shadows where we feel most at home
But even on sunny days you may find us on your lawn gnome
Come take a look at our crystal arms, -> most clear hint
For if you touch us we might bite -> cold bites
But your warmth will surely put us out of sight -> snow melting
And as the next dawn comes so shall we

RE: Poetry - JJJ - 08-16-2008 04:31 PM

hehe keep guessing ppl~
its rather specific =3

EDIT: heres a hint, theres not a single line in there thats not important

RE: Poetry - Kadar - 08-16-2008 04:35 PM


RE: Poetry - Frogboy - 08-16-2008 04:39 PM

no, it's morning frost or dew, probably leaning more towards the frost as that has more crystalline like structure to it.

using nuen's structure i'll show why as well:

From seemingly nothing we come from the air --> a morning dew/frost
Grasping at anything there
Covering and coating all that we can --> if you've ever been up before the sun rises on a cold day you will know that there is water/frost on your car, mailbox, sidewalk, grass, roof, etc...
Coloring the ground just like little pearls --> usually means frozen water
Crushed by the feet of men, women and merls --> frost covered grass/road/sidewalk
And as the temperature drops we do rise --> the colder it gets the more you see the frost on the ground
Never collected and balled like it's brother ... --> the brother of frost is snow, snow is balled, but frost is not as its structure is not stable enough to do so typically
And often annoying the windows of another --> this is a reference of frost on windows making it hard to see out of the windows, typically when driving
We are often a sign of what is to come --> a reference to weather meaning that it will be an overcast day meaning rain or snow is going to be coming soon
And yet it's in the shadows where we feel most at home --> in the sun frost melts and is no longer there, but in the shadows it stays nice
But even on sunny days you may find us on your lawn gnome --> this typically happens when it's a really cold day and even though the sun is out, the temperature is still really low
Come take a look at our crystal arms --> frost has a crystalline structure to it
For if you touch us we might bite --> frost will stick to your finger if you touch it, and it feels like a burn/bite
But your warmth will surely put us out of sight --> frost melts real quick to the touch, in almost an instant it will turn to water
And as the next dawn comes so shall we --> this is the one that keeps me from saying it is snow as not every dawn will there be snow, but just about every dawn there will be frost/dew.

RE: Poetry - JJJ - 08-16-2008 04:39 PM

=P smarty pants~
you coulda just have said frost in general if you wanted too XD

RE: Poetry - GM-Ayu - 08-16-2008 04:52 PM

Not a tough riddle, the crystal arm line seriously gave it away ;p

RE: Poetry - JJJ - 08-16-2008 05:05 PM

rawr yet ppl still guessed the wrong thing eh? =3