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Magnus Exorcimus - mahawirasd - 08-25-2008 11:41 PM

mmm i don't know where else to post this question, so i thought i'd probably put it here...

my question is not too hard i suppose, i'm just wondering if the priest skill ME is worth it... 'coz it depends on MATK meaning you need lotsa int... and it takes 15sec to cast, which means u need lotsa dex...

the thing is, with all the AOE wizzard spells easily available out there (which affects more monsters btw), is ME even worth it? does it do that much more damage as opposed to LOV or SG?

thx lots


RE: Magnus Exorcimus - Neuneck - 08-26-2008 01:00 AM

My knowledge on this topic is too old i think, as i heard talk about how "ME priest got killed 2 svn's ago", and also I didn't see a single ME Priest on hero ever.
There used to be tons of ME priests on the server I played before, because ME could easily kill even the hardest undead/demon monsters, also, some wizz spells have 15 sec cast time, and wizz doesn't even have a bless to get those fancy 10 dex.
So yeah, I rember lv 85+ ME priests soloing niff2...
But I don't know the changes to that skill...

RE: Magnus Exorcimus - mahawirasd - 08-26-2008 02:09 AM

i am aware of those mage skills and i know how long they take to cast...

mm so it seems that ME has been seriously nerfed damage wise?
then why have they not lowered the cast time or sumtin?

any1 else?

thx neuneck...


RE: Magnus Exorcimus - The Legendary Joe - 08-26-2008 02:55 AM

It has the same cast time and cast delay as meteor storm,but seems far weaker, they don't stack on top of other magnus (really sucks compared to meteor storm when partying with a clown though it's fun to see those two skills work together at the same time, despite the high damage per "wave" as the skill descript calls it), it really requires an efficient and dedicated tank and good teamwork to pull it off. if the tank moves and ME hits the monsters, the priest is dead because of it's lack of vit and the fact that it doesn't stop the monsters in their tracks like stun from meteors or freeze and Knockback from Storm Gust.

LoV has been called the weakest out of all the AoE's, It doesn't deal very high damage but makes up for it with a high number of hits and chance to blind. I mainly love this because it looks Much more powerful than it actually is <3

I'm not sure which is stronger between Storm Gust and Meteor Storm,

Storm Gust is nice, It affects the entire area, and its guaranteed to freeze on the 3rd hit, unless they're undead, or is a boss monster. Boss monsters Cannot be knocked back, and are status immune, so Storm Gust is especially strong against these types, they don't move, they don't freeze, they take all of the damage. Storm gust does not stack with other storm gusts, meaning if two storm gusts are casted on an area, only one of them will do damage.

Meteor Storm is nice, and I prefer it because I hate the normality of Storm gust, it's expected that you'll have it maxed wherever you go as a wiz. It doesn't move your targets, and it has a chance to stun them. It's a little wierd, it doesn't hit the whole area all at once, it has a bunch of random tiny little AoE's inside your big one where the meteors crash down and crush your enemies. I prefer this when you have a tank and don't want to keep shoving monsters away from the tank. When multiple Meteor storms are casted on top of each other, the damage from all of the meteor storms stack, making a bard with bragi a wizards best friend, reduce the aftercast delay, reduce the cast time, and let millions of burning boulders pulverize your enemies into submission.

Magnus Excocisimus... It only affects demon race monsters and undead property things. That limiting factor alone hurts a lot and has a painful after cast delay where you cannot buff or heal, but the damage it does can easily get up in the numbers, and with large mobs, the holiness often lags you. Sadly, Magnus doesn't stack on top of other casts.

There's a few items out there made for priests on this matter, however, they are either impossible to obtain or at least highly improbable Spiritual Ring/Divine Cross and Spiritual Ring/ Clip or Rosary combo's really help with the damage output of Magnus, gives almost, if not the same amount of dex as a quad drops carded rod, and reduces 25% of all damage from demons and undeads in place of the shield because the divine cross is a 2 handed staff. However, Spiritual Ring comes from 2 High level MVP's Fallen Bishop Hibram and Ifrit, and those require parties to take down. Possibly High level well equipped guild parties in which you're probably not the first on the priority list in getting the said item. and Getting the Divine Cross from Skeggiolds is Just a pain, but next to the clip/Rosary/Rosary[1], it's probably the easiest thing you can get.

Magnus is pretty powerful, and hasn't been nerfed in any way, it's just... neglected...

Gravity did have one other equip that might make things a tiny bit easier.


The slotted holy stick, which is to my knowledge, Unobtainable. Why? I don't know.

Most parties I've been in where ME could actually do some damage, they'd rather have me as a healer and buffer than an actual damage output. Most likely because of the crippling aftercast delay after ME

I agree wholeheartedly that there's a lack of serious ME-priests on the server, however people just prefer to stick to what they know that works, than to try other, different and possibly more fun methods. Not to mention that people probably don't like to be that squishy only to be uber strong against 2 races/elements in the entire game.

RE: Magnus Exorcimus - GM-Ayu - 08-26-2008 03:21 AM

Regarding the combo, I think that it has some serious issue... compare to staff of piercing, demon shield and zerom glove/zerom nimble glove, the divine cross combo won't do. Against things that actually survive ME, you want the staff of piercing in most cases. Against things that has low mdef, you just don't need the combo anyway cause you're oneshotting no matter what.

Thus, in my opinion, compare to the difficulty of taking down a high end mvp which only very well organized guilds can do, that combo is just not worth it compare to staff of piercing. You can actually buy staff of piercings, and hunt the khalitzburg card and so on by yourself with relative ease, but heRO doesn't look like it'll be selling spiritual ring by venders for any reasonable prices any time soon.


For the record, I do play ME priest. Do I recommend ME to start off? No... ME's horrible without the necessary dex gears to make it good. It's like expecting the wizard to immediately mob using lv 10 SG and you are expecting the wizard to do it well. It just doesn't work that way.

If reset is a problem, then perhaps try to get lv 10 TU with lv 10 ME, but using stats of ME build (aka, no luck.) Your success rate is lower in TU, but you don't have to reset and the rate of TU success is not too sigificantly lower. That way, you are ready to ME any time you have the gears to do it, and you can abuse anubis when you are trying to buy your stuff.

I do think that soloing with ME as a High Priest is definitely possible, just like how some talented high wizard solo biolab 3 or mob biolab 2 by themselves.

Biggest problem with ME Priest is that they have unreasonable expectations... wizards don't expect lv 10 SG to be reliable at all when they solo when their gears are bad and their level is low. For some reason, Priests expect ME to oneshot everything with cast time as fast as heal >_>; and then go "WTF? ME suks! training priest with no anubis impossible"

RE: Magnus Exorcimus - The Legendary Joe - 08-26-2008 03:46 AM

GM-Ayu Wrote:Regarding the combo, I think that it has some serious issue... compare to staff of piercing, demon shield and zerom glove/zerom nimble glove, the divine cross combo won't do. Against things that actually survive ME, you want the staff of piercing in most cases. Against things that has low mdef, you just don't need the combo anyway cause you're oneshotting no matter what.
It is very true that a LOT of Demons and undead that have worthwhile EXP also have decent Mdef to make you post in the whining section for all to read about.

RE: Magnus Exorcimus - mahawirasd - 08-26-2008 04:41 AM

thank you very much ayu and joe.

well that suggestion to take TU 10 is prolly good in the sense for better TU success, but IMHO it is better to leave TU at 3 and to get 10 SW. there will be some remaining skill points, but as always i prefer priests with instant res (lvl 1 just won't cut it)...

what i am trying to point out initially is exactly like what joe said:
LOV is about 40 x 28% damage ~ 1144% MATK damage on each monster and BLINDS
SG is 3 to 10 x 500% damage or about 1500 to 5000% MATK damage and FREEZES...
Meteor storm is 7 x 5 x ??% MATK damage and STUNS... and MS needs the enemies to stay around 2-7 seconds in the area (i'm using numbers based on the after-cast delay)

while ME at lvl 10 has a 13 s duration. Waves come each 3s, so at lvl 10 that's 4 waves. At lvl 10 each wave hits 10 times. Each hit deals MATK damage. So there SHOULD be 4 x 10 x 100% = 4000% MATK damage...
BUT it does NOT give statuses, and it only works on 2 races... AND it needs the monsters to stay there for 4-13 s (i'm using numbers based on the after-cast delay)

i mean seriously, why would any1 even bother with ME considering it takes a lot of skill points to get, and cast-time as well as after-cast-delay compared to damage output is low...

maybe gravity should give ME a better damage output or sumtin...


RE: Magnus Exorcimus - GM-Ayu - 08-26-2008 05:19 AM

GM-Ayu Wrote:Biggest problem with ME Priest is that they have unreasonable expectations...

ME is holy property AoE attack on a class that can already tank relatively well (perhaps even *best* tank when soloing), self heal, insanely low cost in maintenance and you are trying to compare ME's attack power to a glass cannon...?


I personally only got SW to 7 and that's for ME-unrelated reasons. 3 hits for 3 skill points are not worth my style and the way I play my HP. I really don't see any use of the 3 extra hits compare to 3 levels of another skill since I don't frequently do high level mvp enough to justify the 3 extra hits. I understand that people take SW to help with MEing at low levels, but seriously casting ME like that, you just arent' as efficient as Anubis TU. ME overcomes TU's speed in gaining exp and zeny only if you can mob heck of a lot, to the point where casting SW is a waste of a gem since it'll be gone in less than a second.

RE: Magnus Exorcimus - teOx - 08-26-2008 11:01 AM

i agree with ayu. if you have the gearing, ME would be my favorite HP build. if i ever hit 99 i would reset to ME too.

*solo abbey03 *-*

RE: Magnus Exorcimus - RaineViamont - 08-26-2008 04:35 PM

I play a ME priest, and by the looks of it, the only one other than ayu it seems(to my great dismay)

ME is a great skill, and i would recommend it to all priests ^_^. you just have to use it properly, and yes it is very skill point heavy but it is completely worth it. it is the FASTEST way to level a priest. lv 98>99 i was still getting a full percent per mob, please tell me a way to gain exp faster than that with a priest(the mobs took about 30s~90s to gather)

and talking about the divine cross + spiritual ring combo, it is a great asset to ME priests that isn't as hard to obtain as some would have you think. I have one and i love it. fallen bishop can easily be taken down with 3~5 characters, no need for massive guild parties he has 0 mdef and is a demon.... i think you can figure out the rest from there
skeggs are easy enough to farm for the divine cross as well.
also, due to the +10% matk the divine cross combo gives, it is better in almost every situation you can get into than a staff of piercing. unless you have very, very high int where the bonus int band you get from the SoP hits the exponential that is higher than the 10%(i think that is somewhere around 145 int) or you are fighting something with very high mdef(banshees come to mind) the divine cross is better. and even when it is not, you need a highly upgraded SoP to make it worth it.

and as for damage output, because it only hits demon and undead you are doing atleast 1.5x damage to everything you hit, so it kills most things on the first wave. so there is no need to worry about the massive cooldown because there is nothing left of the mob

and yes it puts you into a very specific build but so do other class builds for example AD creators look for the highest exp/AD ratio, that limits what monsters they are willing to go kill

and sorry if this came out alittle haughty, its just i love ME and ME build and when i see people talking about it without really thinking about its practical uses it irks me somewhat