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Jailed List - Printable Version

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RE:??Jailed List - Former-GM-Radiance - 04-28-2010 12:27 AM

Who: iaMtoOpOoR
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to NPC (alliance NPC)

RE: Jailed List - Former-GM-Forge - 04-30-2010 09:24 AM

Who: Mercantuzza
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Inappropriate shop name. Please remember that the language rules also apply to shop names.

RE: Jailed List - Former-GM-Radiance - 05-01-2010 12:57 AM

Who: LadyLuck's Brewing Time
What he/she did: Vending too close to portal (Upgrader)
How long of a punishment: Jailed for 12 hours.

RE: Jailed List - Former-GM-Radiance - 05-03-2010 11:25 PM

Who: wdas
What he/she did: Vending on the streets of Prontera.
How long of a punishment: Jailed for 12 hours.

RE: Jailed List - Former-GM-Radiance - 05-06-2010 01:17 AM

Who: DJ Cotton Candy
What he/she did: Vending within 3x3 of npc (Banker)
How long: 12 hours

RE: Jailed List - Former-GM-Radiance - 05-12-2010 07:53 AM

Who: BaccSlash
What he/she did: Vending on the streets of Prontera.
How long of a punishment: Jailed for 12 hours.

RE: Jailed List - Former-GM-Circe - 05-13-2010 01:31 AM

Who: Kryfish
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Inappropriate shop name

Who: Your local drugstore!
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to portal (Upgrader)

RE: Jailed List - GM-Aki - 05-17-2010 06:33 PM

Who: Amidar
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to NPC (Town Girl, Nobility Herald, Kafra, Warp NPC's)

RE: Jailed List - Former-GM-Forge - 05-20-2010 07:29 PM

Who: Manly Tears
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Disrespecting a GM.

RE: Jailed List - Former-GM-Mystra - 05-23-2010 06:46 PM

Who: Buki Rothe
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending with an inappropriate shop name.