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Teh Sukeith is Here! - Printable Version

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Teh Sukeith is Here! - Sukeishima - 04-03-2009 02:15 PM

Been here almost two months and I finally get around to this. (I'm only doing it now to avoid doing my work in french class Sweat )


I r a uni student from Alberta, Canada. I've been playing RO off and on for about 4 years now I think.

People may have seen me around in game, on one of my many chars. I tend to work on new chars instead of actually transing any (I've been a 9x sin 3 times now, but never transed Laugh ). When I'm bored I tend to sit in pront with my priest and buff random people. If anyone ever needs a Gloria/Bless slave for brewing/forging or just wants buffs or wants to copy TU, feel free to send me a message!

I also wouldn't mind making a few friends fluent in french to help me practice my french (and fluent german friends would be nice too!) Kissy

RE: Teh Sukeith is Here! - GM-Aki - 04-03-2009 02:17 PM

Two months? Welcome to the forum then! I think your welcome to the game is passed ^_^

RE: Teh Sukeith is Here! - Galt - 04-03-2009 06:57 PM

Hi and welcome to heRO!

Maybe you can be my stand-in free buff priest in Prontera while I'm gone? XD

RE: Teh Sukeith is Here! - mahawirasd - 04-03-2009 08:13 PM

welcome to heRO!

i think i've seen kalmia skulking around...

well customs info etc are in the forums and wiki.

GL and HF!


RE: Teh Sukeith is Here! - Kirby_Z - 04-03-2009 10:17 PM

Welcome to heRO forums Icon_biggrin

RE: Teh Sukeith is Here! - Sukeishima - 04-04-2009 03:35 AM

Thanks all!

and yeah, I tend to randomly go to pront and buff everyone i see, then poof to appear again later xP