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Noctuam Alchimia - The B-Alch Guild
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Cap Offline

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Joined: Oct 2012
Post: #1
Noctuam Alchimia - The B-Alch Guild

[Image: herpderp-1.jpg]
ינשוף אלכימיה
Noctuam Alchimia
Hello people of HeRO~! Welcome to Noctuam Alchimia's Forum Page~!

Noctuam Alchimia(Owl Alchemy) is a guild whose objective is to ensemble brewers from all over the server, including possible helping jobs (Priests, Musical Class) for the sake of better quality brewing and mutual community help. The guild will also offer a better reference and distinction between Alchemists and B-Alchemists, its also possible for other players to request orders from alchemists within the guild and even for other guilds to pick our alchemists for internship(ESP: hire them as their official guild brewer). Eventually, once I'm all rich and powerful and whatnot we'll try and implement RP excursions, farming excursions, rank up reward and contests!

A brewing alchemist is an alchemist whose stats and builds revolve around increased success rates of potion making, cooking and effective pitching, they live to Create and Help. These two concepts are very important within the guild.

Two other important concepts are Freedom and Equality meaning that each member is free to develop their own brewing capabilities and sell their potions by the prices they want to sell (as long as its not considered Dumping - read rules), think of it as managed independence! All members of the guild, including myself, will all rank up and develop equally by following a simple checklist based table and the helpers will rank up trough member voting. Also, everyone from every rank (except Torpor) will have a say in the guild! No decision is made without everyone's input.

That's enough for a basic introduction, onward with the rest~!

-Brief Description of Guild and Its Goals
- Guild Rules
- Guild Member List
- Guild Ranking
- Current Scheduled Guild Events/Promotions
- Apply Yourself
- Coming Soon~!

חוקי הגילדה
Guild Rules
Even tough this guild promotes freedom, rules are needed to establish order!

1 - Follow the Server Rules!
Self explanatory, be nice, be social, DON'T AFK LEVEL WITH HUMONS. Punishment for breaking the first rule isn't on the guild's jurisdiction, the GMs and mods will punish this infraction.

2 - Do not give/sell Embryos!
Also self explanatory. I mean, if you break this rule, you should get your Bioethics skill revoked(you won't) because its just a question of ethics. Still, helping other people create their own embryos is encouraged~!

3 - Don't be a Distiller!
Distillers are a specific type of B-Alch that mass produce alcohol, this is considered illegal in most of Midgard. You're free to produce alcohol, but it must have a purpose, mass producing alcohol and selling it is NOT a purpose. (Unbranded alcohol is safe tough, since its of natural origin).

4 - Do not engage in Dumping!
Dumping is the act of selling for little-to-no profit in order to eliminate the other marketing competition. This applies to alchemists selling ingredients and potions. With the natural fluctuation of the market, sometimes its hard to determine this infraction. Basically: if you want to get rid of your potions, give them away or sell them for near base price.

5 - Get Off My Lawn!
This rule is all about common sense, but there's a need to point it out.
Planted Mushrooms and the like should only be destroyed by their creators. This also applies to Marine Spheres and Bio Cannibalize Mobs.

More rules can be added or removed trough suggestion and voting, so don't be a stranger!

רשימת חברי הגילדה
Guild Member List
Guild Member's are kept track of here as well as their ranks~! For privacy reasons, I can remove you from the list, just give me a shout~! :'D

Chemical Cap - Fledgeling (Guild Leader)
Astaroth - Grand Meister
Tormented Artist - Meister
Natchos - Mantling
TewiiMerch - Mantling
~Carmen~ - Fledgeling
Draco MD - Virtuoso
BrewingJ - Virtuoso
Deadly Chemical - Artificer
Jezy Brewing Inc - Artificer
Hannibal Traven - Artificer
Winter Rose - Artificer
Mac Pix - Craftsman
Lulin - Initiate
Kriya - Colonial
~Cloudie~ - Flight
Guild Ranking
This is a brief explanation of the guild's ranking stages, as well as the meaning behind each rank's name.

All recent members who have not yet been properly ranked yet as well as independent unguilded brewers are classified as Feral.

The meaning of the word Feral signifies 'In a Wild State', the name can be found in certain specie's names like the Feral Pidgeon.

Members who broke guild rules are punished by being classified as Torpor.
Torpor ranked alchemists will be taxed at 50% and will have no say in guild meetings, if they rank up while under Torpor, they will receive no rank up rewards. Every Torpor will have to pay a material fee in order to be absolved, the fee is always a brewing material whose properties and quantity change depending on the severity of the infraction. This fee will be shared with everyone in the guild except for the rule breaker and other Torpors.

Torpor is the name given to a bird's state of hybernation, where they drastically lower their body heat and heart rate in order to preserve energy during the cold season.

Initiates are members who have only just recently awakened their affinity for alchemy! They are the novices who have set their minds to go trough the path of alchemy! The main reason why anyone would want to join as a novice is the fact that Initiates can help each other and Initiates receive the most rank up rewards.

Initiate literally means 'The Act of Beggining" (and not the noun of someone who has just joined)

Tradesmen are members who have advanced on their path towards alchemy but still cannot brew, they must first learn theory before practice! Tradesman Rank are composed exclusively of merchants.

The definition of Tradesman is translated to "A person engaged in trading or a trade, typically on a relatively small scale."

Craftsmen are members who have gone past the point of theory, and are now ready to commence alchemy, still, they aren't very experienced but their determination and will shall not stop them from progressing!

The definition of Craftsman is translated to "A person who is skilled in a particular craft or art."

Artificer class is marked by the creation of a Homunculus, to create something as beautiful as an autonomous life-form is what it means to be an Artificer.
Most artificers posses a Homunculus of the type Valnirmirth but any is accepted.

Artificer equates to "A skilled craftsman or inventor."

Owlets are composed of children whose uncommon love for alchemy has taken them to embark on the path of knowledge. Its members range from baby to baby merchant.

Owlet is the name given to baby Owls.

Many Subadults can be considered Child Prodigies, since they have successfully reached the point where they can brew by themselves. Unfortunately, with the penalty of -30% sucess rates, most Subadults tend to branch off to an alternative realm of brewing - cooking.

Subadult is the term given to birds who have not yet reached full maturity, but can survive alone.

Virtuosos are the class who have somewhat perfectioned their created Homunculus as a living being with emotion and soul, thus, this title is awarded to those alchemists who posses an evolved Homunculus.

Virtuoso is "A person with a special knowledge of or interest in works of art or curios."

The guild believes that the spiritual form of a reborn alchemist is that of an owl, as such, the ranking assumes the form of various bird growth stages.
Hatchlings are solely composed of High Novices who are destined to become Creators.

A Hatchling is the term given to a bird who has recently hatched.

Nestlings are the second stage of Alchemical Rebirth, they are composed by High Merchants who are searching for their own inner knowledge to become the best creators, as such, we encourage every High Merchant to get to Job LvL 50.

A Nestling is the term given to a bird who cannot yet fly, resorting to staying on its nest.

Fledgelings are members who have finished their rebirth phase and are now considered Creators, all that's up for them to do now is master their brewing capabilities.

A Fledgeling is the term given to a bird who has just recently acquired its first flight feathers.

The title of Mantling is awarded to Creators who have become one with their prime creation - The Homunculus. The Homunculus is no longer a slave or pet, it is now considered a crucial part of the development, growth and brewing arm of a Creator.

A Mantling is the term given to a bird who has only recently started hunting. The real hunt for knowledge has only begun.

Crested members are those who have reached their full potential, Crested members are crowned with an aura on both their character and homunculus. Many brewers stop at this phase, for they believe the successive upper ranks are a dream.

A Crested Bird is the term given to a bird who possessed feathers on top of its head, resembling a crown or a crest.

Meister members are part of the select few brewers who have reached the alchemist high scores, they gain the ability to invite new members into the guild. They must serve as a prime example to every brewer because all of their creations suffers a 5% boost.

The word Meister is German for 'Master'

Grand Meister
Grand Meister is the unique title given to the top ranked alchemist, there can only be one. Their privileges is further than the Meister in the sense that they also gain the ability to expel members.

Grand Meister stands for 'Great Master'

The Charm rank is the first of the Assistant Ranking, this is the rank where Clowns and Gypsies are sorted into, their main goal is to aid the brewing process by using Marionette Control.

'Charm' is the collective noun of Hummingbirds, the spiritual form of Clowns and Gypsies.

The Flight rank is the second of the Assistant Ranking, this is the rank where Priests and High Priests are sorted into, their main goal is to aid the brewing process by using Bless and Gloria.

'Flight' is the collective noun of Doves, the spiritual form of Priests and High Priests.

Colonial rank is awarded to the top helping Priest, Clown and Gipsy that is determined by the non-Assistant community, three will be selected every three months, they will pridefully carry this title for the successive three months, and gain a reward as well!

Colonial is a behavior shown in some birds that consists of birds grouping in a colony to engage in team activities such as hunting, eating and caring for children

אירועים וקידום מכירות מתוזמנות
Scheduled Events and Promotions
All guild RP excursions, farming excursions, contests and promotions are scheduled under this topic, so better keep an eye out on them~!

Current Scheduled Excursions

- None Icon_cry

Current Promotions

- None Icon_cry

להחיל את עצמך
Apply Yourself

Noctuam Alchimia is always recruiting members from every gender, ethnicity and religion~! We are all united by our love of mutual help! All invites are done in-game by me or by a higher rank that has invite.

Basic Requirements for a Brewer:
- Must want to be a Brewer
- Must pledge to obey the rules

Basic Requirements for a Helper:
- Must want to help other Brewers without receiving anything in return (Polite Brewers will reward you anyway)
- Limited Entry: One Helper per 4 br
- Current Number that Can Join: 1

Comming Soon

All the future projects of the guild will be listed here, please look forward to them~!

1 - Acquire a main town.
- Currently Working on getting a jurisdiction of a town and proclaim it as the Capital of Alchemy BUT don't expect it in a while, lots of bureaucracy involved. The main town for the guild has already been decided, but what town is it will not be public until we (un)officially own it.

2 - Set Rank-Up prizes.
- With the sudden increase of members we need to hasten the need for rank up prizes, they will be mostly symbolic in nature, but will almost always be hats and things like that.

3 - Herb Donation Campaign.
- To celebrate the opening of the guild I'd like to host a Herb Donation Campaign to help us settle!

And that's all, I hope you see us ingame~!
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2013 12:26 PM by Cap.)
10-01-2012 05:32 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Noctuam Alchimia - The B-Alch Guild - Cap - 10-01-2012 05:32 PM
RE: Noctuam Alchimia~! - ChaosPrince - 10-02-2012, 12:12 AM
RE: Noctuam Alchimia~! - Draco - 10-02-2012, 09:23 AM
RE:??Noctuam Alchimia~! - Cap - 10-06-2012, 10:29 AM

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