afaik there are kinds of viet language i think the popular one is some what like its hard to look for a guide on that language, unless you know how to speak/type it in words.
also for sure he is not only vietnamese that played ragnarok..maybe he got a friend to guide him
and also making small things big,will just make it worst..whats so hard to ignore if hes really annoying..he doesnt hurt you right??
We'll do something soon, was hoping to catch him in game and have a chat, but we can also jail directly in the database if need be (just not now cuz I'm at work).
Several of us, a GM included, already tried chatting with him =_= It didn't work. It's time he was actually punished like any other person would be for breaking rules. Not understanding English (as he claims) isn't an excuse, and in fact, is breaking ANOTHER rule (IF it's true)
Edit: I apologize for the brutal honesty ._.; I thought this had been taken care of.