Observation Wings Quest

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Observation Wings Quest

Base Level:

Lv. 99 if non-trans

Job Class:

Trans or Lv. 99 non-trans


Yes (3+)

Items (Consumed):

White Angel Feather x50
Soft Feather x30
Blue Feather x5
Panacea x1


Quest Rewards:

Observation Wings

Quest Guide

1. Go to Thanatos Tower and reach floor 7. Find the Demon in the first sections of the floor and speak to him (he is located approximately near tha_t07: 29, 144). He will give you a list for the Observation Wings and to also find his friend and give them a Panacea as they are injured.


2. Visit the Demon's Friend at Thanatos Floor 2 (approximately at coordinates 82, 220) and give her a Panacea.


3. Return to the Demon on Floor 7, and give him the 50 White Angel Feathers, 30 Soft Feathers and the 5 Blue Feathers to receive your Observation wings. Bring him the items again at any time to craft more of these wings.


About the Wings

Observation Wings
Id #: 10084 Observation Wings Pretty wings made to look like those seen on the monster Observation.
Observation Wings
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
6 6 30 Yes 80 Lower Headgear and Armor All
  • For every refine rate of this gear, ignore 2% of all targets' DEF and MDEF.
  • [Allegiance Points >= 200]
  • Ignore an additional 10% DEF and MDEF of all targets.

Availability: From the Observation Wings Quest that starts in the Thanatos Tower.