Yuki Onna

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Yuki Onna

Base Level:



Recommended if you need help killing Yuki Onna



Snow Cap

Quest Rewards:

50 Rep Points

Quest Start Location: "Man" (William) at lutia_in01 12 153 (Inside Hospital in lutia09)

1. Talk to the Man (William) inside Lutia Hospital Lutia09 55, 88, he has lost his wife Akemi and asks you to find her in the shifting snow fields.

2. Go to Lutia 12 to find a blue "Woman" at 155, 60, clicking on her will cause her to teleport a few cells away, follow her and repeat the process until she stops moving (around Lutia 12 105, 95), at this point she will attack you. Defeat her and return to William.

3. William will be quite upset, select "Apologize" and he will tell you to leave (2 hours wait)

4. Return in 2 hours and talk to the nurse close to William's bed for your reward.