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To start fishing you need to have completed the quest to get you fishing pole and start buying bait. With fishing you can get fish (healing items). There is a variaty of fish you can have that have different effects.


To start the quest go 2 ouest of prontera using the upper exit and sincwe the second map is seperated in two. walk to the southest part of the land your on and you'll meet a man.

he'll ask you for some item to start teaching you fishing:

  • 10 fine-grained trunks (Willow)
  • 20 thin trunks (Parasite)
  • 5 tough vines (Dryad)
  • 20 sticky mucus (Many monsters including: Poporing, Hode, Orc Zombie, Zenorc)
  • 1 metal fragment (Apocalypse, Vesper, Mining)

after you give him the items he'll explain how to fish and quiz you on it, so pay attention. You can also buy bait from him to start fishing. The fishing spot is in the same spot that your in on the water.


  • Guppy: A fish that heals the same as a red potion.
  • Trout: A fish that heals the same as a orange potion and a grape.
  • Bass: A fish that heals the same as a yellow potion and a grape juice.
  • Salmon: A fish that heals the same as a white potion and a blue potion. Small chance to get blinded, if WoE is active may also make you fall asleep when eating.
  • Mutant Fish: A fish that heals the same as a white potion and a blue potion. If WoE is active may also make you poisoned when eating. (Only found at the advanced fishing spot)
  • Angel Fish: A fish that heals a great amount of HP and SP. Small chance to get frozen, if WoE is active may also curse you when eating.
  • Doris: A fish that heals half of your HP and SP. Small chance to get Poisoned or silenced, cannot be used in WoE.
  • Nemo: A fish that fully heals your HP and SP. Small chance to get Poisoned or silenced, cannot be used in WoE.


also get some junk like:

  • mini furnace
  • skull
  • anvil