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Revision as of 07:21, 9 November 2008 by Fatalis (Talk | contribs)

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About Me

Greetings, I'm Fatalis. I'm a sixteen year-old Irish student currently doing his second-last year of Secondary School (High School for the Americans), and this is my userpage nexus.

Before you say anything, I know it's a bit much! But I enjoy organization and like to write a lot about everything. I'm a moderately experienced roleplayer, and have quite a decent chunk of scripting knowledge with... well, everything, wiki software being an example of one!

I am part of the Test & Development team (development moreso), and are currently and will most likely be working on new quests and such at any given time, as since I do not log on as frequently as most people, it's a way for me to contribute to heRO without doing so.

I'll be 100% honest here and tell you that most of my knowledge comes from being a GM at a server based entirely around roleplay, but it's rather irrelevant because I put 'normal' and 'roleplay' servers into different categories. The recent development of a storyline on this server however, has intrigued me, so I'll try to get involved as best I can.

I may put up a page on proper etiquette for Roleplay and possibly write a few guides on scripting, but that depends on public interest. Otherwise, I won't waste my time.

-Alan J. Dooley