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Here's a list that will allow any players to get accustomed to most of the common events that they may encounter on our server and their variations. GMs are not limited to this list of course, surprises and new variations are always welcomed.

Some events are played with novice characters, usually called a "Novice Event" in heRO. When this occurs, the GM in charge of the event will ask you to create a new novice with your name followed by 4 numbers (usually the date, in the format of mmdd). For example, GM-Pandora would create Pandora0926 for an event held on the 26th of september.

Prizes: The prizes for each event will vary. Usually, they will often be composed of chance items. Chance items include the following:

  • Old Card Album (OCA): Gives a card at random, can even give mini-boss card, but not MVP
  • Old Purple Box (OPB): Gives a random item from a list that contain a lot of useful equips, but also some useless loots)
  • Old Blue Box (OBB): Gives a random item from a list that contain a few useful items, but a lot of useless loots)
  • Gift Box (GB): Comes in a variety of colors, gives a random item from a list that contains stones, dolls, potions, herbs, gifts, etc.)
  • Wrapped Mask: Gives a random chance to win a Mask equipment)
  • Hatter Voucher: Gives a chance to win one of Hatter's many hats instantly!)
  • Bloody Branch: Summons a random MvP! (note: potential MvP from Bloody Branches are modified from official setting in heRO)
  • Poring Box: Summons a random Poring monster (note: custom poring monsters are not yet added to Poring Box)

For a list of current ongoing events and events in the past, check out the heRO Events page along with the Event Archive.


Test your quickness and your RO knowledge.

The GM will ask a series of question, be the first person to answer right and you get a prize! Listen well to know how the GM wants the answer (either by PM, in normal talk or by entering the answer as a password to a chatroom).

A periodic Riddle Event is also available in the heRO forums here!

Monster Invasions

Fight the monsters!

A popular event, the GM will summon monsters and you have to kill them. Sometimes a storyline will be included in this event.

Other variations

  • Trivia Invasion : Held in a town (usually Izlude), the person who answers the question correctly gets to choose the next monster to be summoned in the Monster Invasion event.
  • Turn Invasion : The GM will make a list of the player present and each one gets a turn to choose the next monster to be summoned. A dice can be rolled to see if this monster will be MVP or normal monster.
  • Breaking the Seal: GMs summon endlessly unless the Seal is destroyed by the players. Break the Seal in this Monster Invasion!
  • Merchant Defender: Players must protect a vending, idle merchant against the GM's waves of Monster Invasion!

Hide and Seek

Will you find me?

A simple event, the GM hides and you must find him/her. The GM will inform you at the start of the settings of the event, will he/she be in a town? Inside or outside buildings, hidden or visible, etc.

Other variation

The GM will give you a clue as to which map he/she is in rather than telling you.

Poring Taming

Get as many eggs as possible!

This event is semi-automated and usually played with novices. All participants are warped into a room where they each get 50 unripe apple (poring tames), they must use those to gather as many Poring Eggs as possible once they are warped to a room full of porings. The time is not limited, so take your time to tame well. The prizes are distributed by a NPC, with usually an extra surprise to the winner.

Pandora Says

Can you listen?

This event is similar to the game "Simon Says", in which the GM will give commands, if they are preceeded by "Pandora says..." the command must be obeyed and otherwise must be ignored.

For example: "Pandora says sit down" -> all participants must sit their character, those who don't are eliminated. "Now stand up!" -> anyone who stands will be eliminated because I didn't say "Pandora says".

If a true command is not obeyed or a false command is followed, the player who did so will be brutaly murdered, and he/she will not be resurected until the start of the next round. A round ends when there are a set number of players remaining alive. For example: the round starts with 10 players and will end when only 3 are left standing, those 3 get a good prize while others get a consolation prize.

Note: Replace Pandora with the name of another GM when applicable.

Racing Run!

This event is usually played with novices. It's simple enough it's a race!

Morroc Racing: A NPC gives the start of the race, you must then proceed to run around Morroc counter-clock wise. Make sure you don't miss any checkpoint or your will have to go back!!

Other Variation

Run with a monster : the players are warped to an area with monsters (can be morroc racing or elsewhere), they must attack one monster so it gets aggressive on them and follows them and bring the monster to a certain area of the map (usually the other side). Since this variation limits people to the speed of the monster it is not necessary to use novices. This variant can include pvp.

Poring Smash

Who knows what they might hold!

This event is usually played with novices. I will summon many looting monsters in a room (mostly porings, but also drops, santa poring and sometimes, poporings and even Stapo). Then I will proceed to drop items to them, these items usually range from not very useful to average and most of the time chance items are included as well. Once the room is ready the novices are summoned into it and may kill the monsters to their hearts content, thus finding the items dropped into them.

Fight for Items

Wait for the right one, but don't wait too long!

In this event all the players get 1 prize (no more, no less), all of them are warped in a special room. I open a chatroom with the name of an item as the title, the first 2 people who enter the chatroom get to fight for the item, the winner of the fight gets the item. The winner cannot participate again for the rest of the event, but the person who lost the fight may try again until they win. At some point one item will have "last item" in front of it in the title of the chatroom, this means what it says, that is this one is the last item, everyone left with no prize gets a consolation prize (usually obb or gb).

This event will sometime include a level restriction and/or will be restricted to non-trans characters.

This event is often followed by some mass pvp fight, which usually do not give any prize.

Crazy Merchant / Hide and Seek

Prices are insane! Get the goods while supply last!

The crazy merchant has set up a shop somewhere with cool items at ridicuous price! Find him to get them. Sometimes the crazy merchant will be in town, which will test your reflexes, can you buy fast? Sometimes he/she will be in a remote location, search until you find him!

Another variation is that instead of a shop, a GM will give you options of possible prizes instead once you find out his/her hiding place.

Other Variation

Shopping : This is played with novices who only have 500 zeny each (received at character creation). A shop is opened with cool items at 500 zeny or less. This event often follows another event.

Item Hunt

Hurry up and gather all!

Like the title says, in this event you will hunt items. GM will give you a list of items to bring back, hurry up and get them all to win! This event is sometimes played in teams, sometimes it's solo hunt.

Other Variation

Trivia Item Hunt : The GM will give you a clue that describes an item, bring it back to win a prize!

DB Party

What will come out.. can you handle it?

This is a simple event where a GM will crack a lot of DB (dead branches) which will summon lots of monsters, have fun killing them... be careful that sometimes a BB (bloody branches) will be broken to call a MvP to the battle as well! Can you defeat them all?

The Pickup

Someone's loss might be your new treasure!

This event is often associated with bad players, botters or cheaters that are banned from the server. A GM will check their accounts for nice items and will drop them in town to the good players! Usually great items are ommited from the dropping (rare cards like thara, hydra and such will not be dropped). Pets and skill such are Greed are forbidden for this event.

Kill the GM

If you can..

Ever dreamed of killing a GM? Now here's your chance, he/she might be wearing a gm clip, or might not (you'll be informed). Have fun! But be careful, we bite back!

Bone Collector

Are you one?

This event is usually played with novice or with characters of the same level. PVP is enabled, kill players and pick up their skulls. Collect the most skulls to win!


Who will pay the most?

The GM names an item and a starting price, bid for the good until .. going once.. going twice.. sold to the person who offered the most! Sometimes a bid increment will be mentionned, that is the minimum amout you can add.

Other Variation

Sometimes this is also done with novice (usually following a "Item in Poring" or the "Taming Poring" event), who all have 500 zeny (from character creation).

Run, Hydro, Run!

Players work together in a long maze infested with monsters and traps to escort a poor little novice up to the end! The maze often follows a specific theme or a common element, with a special guardian, usually a powerful miniboss or a MvP. A GM luring the ultimate Event Hydro, or in the disguise of the Event Hydro, chases closely behind the team. If everyone is killed by the Hydro and the GM, it is all over! Run fast!

As long as one member of the party is not killed by the Hydro, the game keeps going on. Prizes are determined strictly by the percentage of players who survive to the end.

(Recommended Items: Speed Potion)

The Flower Maze

Flower Maze

One wrong step and it's all over...

Walk through a dangerous maze filled with immovable monsters as a helpless novice try to navigate the maze to find treasures and the end to escape! Beware of traps and don't be greedy!

Some mazes have novices work together to find bonuses that results in a better prize overall, while some mazes asks for individual work to try to find prizes by destroying various plants that symbolize different prizes depending on the name of the plants.

Zombie Escape

Zombie Escape

A dungeon of undead... can you survive?

Travel through the cursed grounds of various dungeons, castles or forests as novices to the end of the maze facing the undead and other monsters. Using just the limited supplies and novice potions, go to the end of the maze and escape from the undead and other monsters for prizes!

Players are allowed to gain levels up to a maximum of base 8 for their event novices in the entire event. They can also use novice equipment and novice potions. However, fly wings and butterfly wings are not allowed. It is recommended for novices to maximize their "Vit" stats with "Luk" as the 2nd highest stats to maximize survival abilities.

Meteor Dodger

Fire that falls from the sky...

Deadly meteors randomly fall from the sky to crush all in its path. Be the last novice standing to defy the wrath of the heavens!

The Maneaters

Similar to Meteor Dodger game as a novice event, except that the GMs are teleporting in a small area sprouting deadly man eating plants to kill the novices! Run away from the GM if he/she appears near you and may Lady Luck be with you to be the last novice standing against a growing population of the maneaters!

Don't Dice Me!

A platform is divided into 5 sections, labeled the number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Novices are scattered and can run around the platform. The GMs roll a dice and will destroy everyone on the part of the platform with the label number being the same as a dice roll. (number 6 for a dice roll means that everyone is safe.) Try to be one of the last novices standing in the end!


This event is based on a card game called Werewolf, which in turn is based on another game called Mafia, well all to say it's not an original idea from me, I'm just borrowing it and adapting it into an event for us.

It's an event for people who like roleplaying, there is no killing involved (no pvp, no pvm). A certain amount of maturity is required, as well as a decent understanding of the English language.

It requires at least 7 people to play, and the more the merrier! It's a game of accusations, lying, bluffing, second-guessing, assassination, and mob hysteria!

This event is quite long to explain, so if you plan on participating please read carefully as we want to avoid having to repeat the rules in game which can take a while meaning less time to actually play.

Some rules may be slightly different depending on who is the host of the game. Ask the game host for specific details on some rulings.

There werewolf rules are so long, that they get their own page. See Werewolf rules for more information.

Minority Rules

"Minority Rules" is the 2nd RP daily style event in heRO, adapted from a japanese manga to be fitting for Ragnarok Online. No PvP or PvM is involved for this RP game, thus levels/classes are completely irrelevant. Fluent English speaking abilities will be necessary though.

See Minority Rules for more information.

Duck Duck <GM-Name> Dinner

This event is based on Duck Duck Goose to a variation. The GM hosting will warp players to an area where they are advised to sit or stand in a spot. The GM will pick a starting point and then /dice to see how far they are going to move, the characters on that spot are then Devoured (killed).

The GM hosting has the right to allow or disallow you to be able to move locations, but only when they say so. They also may or may not strike out an entire row, when the numbers become low.

This event was created by GM-Rahice when she first started here, it was named after her mentor and friend, who no longer is a GM, named GM-Circe. The name is not likely to change.