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The restock system allows players to get items from their Kafra storage without having to open their storage. The system is unable to grab equippable items.

@restock usage: @restock lists OR @restock list OR @restock l - get a list of all your lists in system. @restock list(/lists/l) <0-5> - make list #<1-5> active or disable active list. @restock list(/lists/l) clear - clear current active list. @restock list(/lists/l) name <name> - give name <name> to currently active list. @restock items(/item/i) - show all items in the current active list. @restock + <item_id> <quantity> {<source>} - add item <item_id> to current active list. <source> is an optional parameter, use 1 for Guild Storage, and 0 for normal Storage. If <source> is not provided, 0 (normal storage) is assumed. @restock - <item_id> - remove item <item_id> from current active list. @restock on - turns Restock System on. Keep in mind, restock won't actually start until you choose an active list. @restock off - turns Restock System off. @restock help OR @restock h OR any errornous restock will call this message.