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The restock system allows players to get items from their Kafra storage without having to open their storage. The system is unable to grab equippable items.

To enable the system, type @restock on. To disable, type @restock off.

Command summary:

@restock on - turns Restock System on.
Keep in mind, restock won't actually start until you choose an active list.
@restock off - turns Restock System off.
@restock help OR @restock h OR any errornous restock will call this message.
@restock lists OR @restock list OR @restock l - get a list of all your lists in system.
@restock list(/lists/l) <0-5> - make list #<1-5> active or disable active list.
@restock list(/lists/l) clear - clear current active list.
@restock list(/lists/l) name <name> - give name <name> to currently active list.
@restock items(/item/i) - show all items in the current active list.
@restock + <item_id> <quantity> {<source>} - add item <item_id> to current active list.
<source> is an optional parameter, use 1 for Guild Storage, and 0 for normal Storage.
If <source> is not provided, 0 (normal storage) is assumed.
@restock - <item_id> - remove item <item_id> from current active list.