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This command will search all vendors for an item that you search for. There are many ways to use the command. Some are simple, some are more complex.

The easiest way to use the command is:

@whosell <item id>
@whosell <item name>

This will tell you:

Stack size, Refine level, Item Name[Card IDs], The Price, Map and Coordinates, Vendor Name
The last line tells you which ones are being shown, how many were found, and what the price range is.


@whosell 1117
@whosell katana_
1x +1 Katana[4005,0,0,0] | 1999999z | prontera[48,48] | I'mAVendorMa!
1x +3 Katana[4255,4255,4255,4255] | 1999998z | prontera[49,48] | MeTooMa!
1x +3 Katana[0,0,0,0] | 2000000z | prontera[48,49] | WeAllAreMa!
1x +7 Katana[4005,4005,4005,0] | 2000001z | prontera[49,49] | I'mNotVending. -_-
Showing 1 to 4 out of 4 found. Prices from 1999998z to 2000001z

Forged items will show you the strength and element of the item as well!

Advanced Usage The @whosells command supports some extra search criteria to help narrow down the results. These extras can be joined together to make some pretty specific searches.

Refine Level After something that has been refined to a certain level? Add it to the front!

@whosell +10

will return all items for sale at this refine level. Add an Item ID after this, and you will get only that item ID at that refine level. Note: This only works with the item ID. If you don't know the id, use @ii first.

First slotted Card Searches the first card slot on all slotted items for the ID you want.

@whosell [Card ID]

Limiter Too many items for the screen? Limit the results!

@whosell katana (1, 5)

The first value is the how many results you want to show, and the second value is the result number you want to start at.