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Full Version: Inn Renovation Project
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Inn Renovation project was first implemented on AnonymousRO, a 10x server which died some months ago.

Here's the concept:

You enter the Inn and a counter starts.
You may leave the Inn whenever you want.
If you stayed at least 2 hours straight (I think it was 2 hours) in the Inn logged in OR logged out you'd receive an EXP buff (Field Manual buff) for the next 30 minutes after you leave the Inn.

I pretty much liked that idea when I played Anonymous.
I don't know if it's legal to copy it tho :/

GM-Edit: don't give out the name of other servers on the forum.
Not going to happen. Never ever... Sorry man...
That doesn't make any sense...
Eh.. What would be the point of that? You could spend 15minutes looking for a priest to party with and give you full buffs instead of sit for 2hours for 15~20minute buffs o_o
Exp buff not priest buff
noah18cars Wrote:That doesn't make any sense...

^ That.
Wait, how doesn't it make sense? If anything it makes sense to me, in the most basic way... you stay in an inn for two hours, afterward you feel "refreshed" which explains the exp buff.

Knowing this server, even if people liked it it wouldn't be added.
Why would you have to be rewarded with an exp buff just for AFKing for 2 bloody hours?

Thats is by all means retarded.
Not without some long??Overly difficult quest??in which you'll probably lose more exp than you'd get with the buff, that can only be done once per account. And even then you'd only get the buff once.
When I read the title I thought something like...allowing guilds to buy inns as their own or something. Don't ask why xD.

But AFKing for a EXP buff <_>? Go kill surtur and MVP there's your field manual.
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