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Full Version: Concerning the retro castle and extended classes.
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I haven't played on the server in a good while, but back when I did play, the state of the retro castle was pretty damn sad, with like two guilds even bothering to fight over it, and with at most 25 or so people in total. I really like the concept of the retro castle because I hold that the trans-classes are nothing short of a stick in the wheels of the balance of the game. I also like the extended classes, but since they're situated half-way between the normal and the trans-classes in terms of power/utility, they're always lumped together with the latter, turning them into perpetual second-class citizens since no pre-trans server will have them and no "serious" player will use them in trans-servers.

Therefore I am suggesting for the GM team to consider allowing extended classes into the retro castle, perhaps with a level-limit of 75 or 80 or something in order to limit their power somewhat, as well as increasing the economy-cap on the retro castle so as to spark some more interest in it, because as it stands it's just a "throwing a bone", novelty-item that few even bother with.

Now, I realize that there's an inherent problem with allowing new classes into a retro-WoE, but I feel this argument holds little water what with pre-trans classes being able to equip a lot of gear that didn't exist in the retro-era it's supposed to emulate, not to mention the other customs this server has. I'd like you to think of it as an opportunity to increase interest in playing classes that are normally nearly completely unused in just about every low/mid-rate in existence.
I've seen Soul Linkers, Ranker TKs, and even a few stray SGs play quite well in trans-WoE (and some fairly serious players use them).??Gunslinger will always be a complete novelty class in my mind (even compared to plain Hunter).??Ninja is the one class that would get the real benefit from this suggestion (as Soul Linkers are incredibly useful in WoE - trans or not, and the other taekwon classes can outclass non-trans in DPS potentially - or, worst case, are useful for Flying Side Kick / Warmth).??The best Ninja can do in trans-WoE, as far as I've seen, is Water Escape Technique the precast.??

I don't really care one way or the other.??I don't think trans classes "ruined" the balance of the game because the "balance" in RO has always been endlessly beefing skills/equips/other stuff.??RO's version of "balance" is as follows: Skill A is overpowered, so let's introduce Skill B (which is also overpowered, and unrelated to Skill A and for a different class) and Skill C (which counters Skill A).??We will keep Skill B from being AS overpowered in the future by making it so that with the right (rare) items, you can resist it somehow.??Game fixed!

All that being said, I'd be fine with this. The TKs -especially rankers- might be a bit overpowered there (not many non-trans can get amazing DPS *and* 15k HP). But the rest would probably be fine.
The suggested level-limit would stop the rankers in their stride though, since they don't get their HP/SP buff until they reach 90, and as I recall it the taekwon class as a whole has downright hilarious HP-modifiers, so the star gladiators and linkers should be relatively easily shot down, restoring the status quo. The only thing I see that could pose a problem is the cicada skill of the ninja, since few non-trans classes have skills that pierce it. On the other hand they too have a terrible HP-mod, so I shouldn't think it's a problem that couldn't be resolved by a well-rounded wizard, some status-spam-weaponry, fast-attackspeed or if all else fails, a good old-fasioned gang-up.

Clarifying the balance-comment; Monks were good enough for taking down tanks in the olden days, we didn't need atomic sonic blows or ADs, particularly not in servers where the reset-function makes the brewing-process a menial task. Of course, the old days didn't have MvPs with half a billion HP and knights with healthpools in excess of 50.000 either, so I see the need for more than one class with the ability to dish out good damage, but I digress; One could summarize my stance with the statement "I prefered the old days", and leave it at that as far as this thread is concerned.

Edit; Oh, and I forgot to mention that the "no serious player will use them"-comment was meant to omit linkers, since trying to run a guild without one would be rather silly, indeed.
125 views, and noone else has opinions to advance?

Could I at least get a GM to shoot down the idea so I can stop leveling?
A lot of guilds fight in the alde castle nowadays, seemed action packed on sunday especially.

I'm not really against the idea of having gunner and perhaps ninja, would have to be balanced, maybe with the level cap like you suggested, but I also can't make any promises, but I confirm I read your idea and will be considering it.
Well let me say first, don't stop making your char just because its possible or not it may woe in the retro woe.

Second, the retro castle is that exactly because it is retro. Meaning only first gen classes. It sounds interesting but I'm not seeing it in the retro castle as we have it now.

Though we'll keep it in mind as a possible change or another possibility if we want to implant something.

Thanks for the suggestion.

/edit: slow ninja by panda Mad
GM-Pandora Wrote:A lot of guilds fight in the alde castle nowadays, seemed action packed on sunday especially.

Action has been non-existent the last two weeks, though. There were 1-3 people attacking during sunday's WoE, with two of them giving up after about 10 minutes. One person trying to take on 12 is not what I call action packed.

Today's WoE (wednesday) we had 4-5 attackers, all of which gave up after three tries.

Again I ask you to consider measures for increasing interest in the castle. I've already mentioned allowing extended classes in, as well as increasing the economy-cap. Other ideas could be adding something universally useful or valuable into the chest drops, perhaps even make a quest with some fancy reward that requires a specific item that you throw into the Alde chest drops, or even make a custom guild dungeon that's only accessible through the Alde castle. I'm sure you can think of more feasible solutions, I'm just throwing around ideas here, but please - do something.

To put things into perspective; Bamboo Squad was recalled into the Prontera castle twice during WoE today, so the Alde castle stood completely undefended for like 10 minutes, without anyone else even noticing.
I concur.
On Sunday, there was little enough action in Payon, let alone anywhere else, save Pront.
A single NEer got Payon without running into anyone. XD

I still like the suggestion in a previous thread to move Retro WoE to another day, so that all the people who choose the other 2 castles in WoE can also fight Retro if they want, instead of splitting the population.
Somehow the information I'm getting is a bit different, heard it was pretty action packed for a good part of the woe in alde wednesday until loa took pront and some people on both side who were fighting each other in alde went to help there. The woe in the past few weeks also shown that alde had more action than before.

Still, we're considering adding more incentive to woe rewards for all castles, in order to encourage more action in woe in general, it'll probably happen with the svn update as we're trying to limit the change we make to the real server while working on the update.
Better potential rewards in the castles finally being put in=wonderfullllll :D
From what I'm hearing of Alde lately its actually had guilds fighting in it again which is good stuff I guess, cause before I really felt the castle needed closing. D:
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