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Full Version: A>Peco Peco Hairband
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Yes, I'm auctioning one.??Auction will finish around 10-11PM Tuesday next week.??I reserve the right to not sell and blah blah blah if I do not like the offer. Icon_razz

Orc Skelx4
+7 Divine Clothes[1] or +7 Coat[1]
+6-7 Tidal Shoes
Anything Else you think will peak the interest of a LK or Stalker player like myself.
+4 wool [Marse]
Offer withdrawn.
Ah then Tripp is winning atm, I also added a time frame for my auction. I'm giving it 5 days from today (Thursday) so that'll be Tuesday I close it, it will probably be late that day server time (like 10-11PM).

Thank you for your time. x3
Withdrew offer, sorry.
Nah its cool man.
Anyway NoHope then is winning then atm
I win.

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