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Full Version: A>Peco Peco Hairband
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Lol, as Ina already mentioned, if something pops up, another one isn't far (GR card, Iron Fist Card) and nooooooooow a brand new Peco Peco Hairband! So if you are unlucky at Aaronock's auction, try it here.


Abysmal Knight Card (lol, that would be an instant win)
+7 Tidal Shoes (or Variant Shoes >_> )
Holy Robe[1]
Raydric Card
Dragon Tail Card

As usually, add Zeny if you want, but I am preferring items as usually.
Dunno how long this auction will be up, I think about ending it around Aaronock's auction Icon_razz or when I like a deal. Lower bids might be preferred over higher because I like the items more. Reserving all rights as usually.

I suppose later I will just wrote "auction as usually" and everybody should know what's up xD

Edit: Stupid smiley.
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