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Full Version: S> A few gears & cards
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Not the best gears or cards, but maybe someone is looking for a few of them


- Cleaver
- Icicle Fist
- Improved Arm guard[1]
- Bunny Band
- Western Grace
- Iron Cain
- Pantie x4
- Undershirt x4
- Black Leather Boots x3
- Crest of Rider
- Morrigane's Helm
- Magic Kettle
- Mes[3]
- Lever Action Rifle[1] x2


- Picky (sold)
- Roda Frog
- Hornet (sold)
- Bigfoot
- Desert Wolf
- Sidewinder sold in game
- Grand Peco
- Gig
- Succubus
- Caterpillar (sold)
- Punk
- Errende Ebecee (sold)
- Thanatos Odium
- Banshee

Leave offers here or contact vayne in-game Ok
Ill buy your picky and hornet 400k each
caterpillar 2m
errende ebecee 1m
Alrite sounds good Dilla, I'll be on today so just pm me over main when you get on Icon_biggrin.
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