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Full Version: Novice Grounds Bug
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So anyway, I decide to log onto my old novice I made way back when, trying to get the Novice Wings. I end up in the old training grounds, take a few conveniently placed warps, end up at the new version. So anyway, I leave to sell some items...And I can't go back in?

It said something about not completing the training, so I back track and redo the Novice Grounds quest. Same problem. I can't advance to the next room where the mobs are, so I'm stuck here..FOREVER! I assume there was some problem with a variable being set, or something.

(Too lazy to upload screencaps)
you need a GM to pull you in if you have a novice from old training ground, cause you are "too high level" to enter the new training ground
So, I'll need to pester a GM each time I die, or just go back to sell items? Who wants to be Q's on call GM? ;D
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