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Full Version: Looking for a WoE guild
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As the title says, Im looking for a WoE guild.
For now, try DD, BS, Behe, NE, Rev, LoA.
Good luck to you pal. No1
Mr. Kroms please feel free to talk with myself at any point about Nocturnal Echo. You can stop by Rachel also to talk with members and meet a few of us.

We do require you try to attend WoE weekly (unless you have an excuse which prevents you from doing so). Also we try to party often, just yesterday we did a number of hauls to New World Dungeon, and still try to do Thanatos runs and Nameless and other places if you like to suggest usually someone around guild will be interested.

I should be restarting weekly scheduled events for the guild also again starting next week as I now know my schedule and workload for college again. :]
If you think you won't be able to woe on a regular basis like most woe guilds require, you can try joining Bamboo Squad. WoE is optional in our guild but quite a few people do it. On the trans side we mostly help our allies Behemoth and Apocalypse.
You should most definitely join Behemoth or our ally Bamboo squad :]
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