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1) Is the Finding Ore drop chance multiplied by server rate drop chance? Considering that's a skill and not a drop rate by monster.

2) Should it be?

3) What is it's drop rating? >_>

4) So I was walking to fish today when I saw these people forging out in the wild. At first I thought some poor sader was getting beat up by porings, when I realized he cast Gloria. How'd he do that? Grand Peco combo.

Why aren't more smiths getting people to sit and get hit for Gloria? That sounds like awesomeforging.
lmao. That was me. and I'm a Knight rofl D:

All you gotta do is.. get mobbed by a crapload of porings.. and ta-daa 5% autogloria casts more often. <3 Rofl, it was funny too.

I was telling them, "you know, I had a feeling one person would pass by and see us doing this, and go wtf" and it did LOL.

awesomeforging ftw

- Ryuuichi
1 IDK :D
2 No It shouldn't be, unfortunately.
3 Its .01% I do believe
1 and 2: I don't think so.
3: No clue on that but read here for info on the skill: http://irowiki.org/wiki/Ore_Discovery
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