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Full Version: Services for the World!
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Okay so I'm not a hardcore gamer, or a grinder, or someone who'll maximize stats via cards or amazing equipment. I play to have fun, and I have fun by helping others.

Which is why I'm going to start a couple services for you all :3. Something to pass the time with.

Damascene's Well-Endowed Endowments!

I've made an Endowment Sage for everyone's usage! So long as you provide the stones used for the endowment, you can have an elemental weapon for 30 minutes!

  • Do not switch weapons-- you will lose your elemental affinity.
  • Do not log out. You will lose your elemental affinity.
  • (If it can be helped) Do not die. You will lose your elemental affinity.

If you don't have the stones I will use my own, but I request a small fee for using up my own materials (Current Server Vendor Price + 10%, for example if the stones are going for 1k each, then 1000 + 10% = A simple 1100 zeny).

Requestable: Anytime! Just ask me to switch and I'll do it!
Where found: Prontera Fountain, usually. I'll travel into dungeons / other places if I have access, and I can survive my way down. XP


Muarim's Moving Merchandise!

Love PnP's prices, but find yourself lost in a dungeon, running out of fly and/or butterfly wings? How about Berserk potions? What about your party needing more Yggs, because your priest is falling asleep?

Have no fear, because there's a Merchant who'll move to you! That's right. You don't have to go to a town, he'll walk to you (for a slight travelling fee of course), and sell you things at PnP prices!

Tell me what you want brought beforehand, and how much, and it's yours! (Keep it within weight/zeny reason, please. I'm not going to spend 1 mil for your fly wings, nor can I carry that many.)

Requestable: Anytime! That is if I'm not in a party. XP. So long as I'm free, I will travel.
Where found: Wherever you want be to me, baby. Icon_wink


Amoren's Arrows of Awesomeness!

Okay this one is more for those archers that don't have the skill yet, or maybe bow thieves.

Ever wanted an arrow? Any arrow? Maybe an elemental one, or a silver one, or a steel one, or some status ones?

You can have it! Just supply the item that creates it, and it's yours, for completely free!

Requestable: Anytime! Just ask me to switch and I'll do it!
Where found: Prontera Fountain, usually.


Suggestions for more services I should offer? Please note that these aren't services that are party-only (I.E. Bragi / Heal slave, tank / devo slave), nor are they ridiculous (I.E. Get me x number of y items/cards slave). I can't think of any more off the top of my head.

Also: Donations are always accepted! Keep the services going. ;D
nice idea, but perhaps it should go to the Shops section?

Icon_biggrin Moved to a more appropriate section.
I now have a mostly-naked Caramelldansen-ing GM in my thread. This has to be an awesome thread now. D: thanks for the move, Nara.
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