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Full Version: A> Marc & Raydric Cards
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I would like zeny, but items hold more value for me. I am trying to gear a soon-to-be LK for WoE so with that said...

Wishlist(in no specific order):
Horn of the Buffalo
+10 Blade[4]
+7 Feather Beret
+7 Valk Mant
Thorny Shields/+7 Thorny Shield
Variant Shoes (would like a PC pleaseIcon_biggrin)
~Anything else you think I would like.

*Note* I know that most of the items above are worth more then the cards, I would be willing to pay the difference...if I can Icon_biggrin.

I also reserve the right to deny bids and cancel auction...and all that fun stuff.
15m for Raydric
7m marc
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