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Full Version: So, if I came back to heRO....
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How long do you think it'd take to make an Alchemist that could "not"afk areas with homunc that level decently? Like, where I can material gather.

I mean that by, I'd be doing other stuff on the computer, but definitely not giving heRO 100% attention.

You know, not breaking the rules.

Lalo is the only other person who can sweet talk me into coming back.

He knows why
alche shouldn't be too long to make if you're making a homunc. Just go agi with any old dagger until you're an alche. Shouldn't be too hard/too long if you're not anal about J50. Pantie-undershirts are easy to obtain at an affordable price and really willows-spores-muka/wolves would get you to level 30 in under an hour if you burn your novie pots. Then you could stay with mukas (for cactus needles) or more wolves or saplings... 1-60 (~J44 maybe) would take < 4 hrs imho...

Then i hear people go to hidden temple and moscovia. Hidden temple yields various monsters and moscovia should still drop white herbs iirc...
then i hear some people goes to bathory with their homuncs for the witched starsands so i guess you could do that too, but you'll probably have to tele from the swords and jokers...

and i don't know if it's really doable or if anyone does it, but iirc creators will use mushroom spores and alcohol, so perhaps 3 maps south of payon for poison spores might not be a bad idea, just tele from the dragon tails...

whispers would get you fabrics, so either GH or sunken ship is a good option.

hydra cards are quite useful, so hydra pools in sunken, payon, or amatsu is doable i guess...

GL and HF! No1

If you need maneater blossoms and you do the fireblend tactic, you can probably gather a lot from the mucipular/drosera map right at the map you warp to for the Ice Dungeon warp too.
You have the hots for me imo, imma tell your girl.
Then you're going to steal his girl.
No I haven't forgotten the things you said about her sir Icon_wink
I'm thinking purely homunc.
From what I've heard from others, it sounds like if you don't give 100% attention and get caught - you could get in big trouble :/
I know the extent of the rules.

I'd be able to see the chat window. So if someone would PM me, I would see it.
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