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Full Version: Regarding the Bloody Ban
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"Ban list

Who: Bloody Acid, Healer
How Long: Temporary 1 week ban
What he/she did: Unacceptable behaviour, swearing, harassment, bullying.

My unhappiness has been communicated to Bloody through an opened ticket.

This will not happen again. If it does, it will be a permanent and IP ban."

This won't do much considering he has multiple accounts he's able to play on. None of my business or anything but wouldn't it play a bigger effect to ban that account and all other related accounts for the week to prevent him showing up within the week? Or has this been anticipated?

Just my opinion though. Grats GM team
Creating a thread like this is not the way to go about this. It would be better to use a Support Ticket.

My advice is to edit the thread, and send it via Support ticket.

I dunno actually this can be a discussion when dealing with temp bannings.
Usually when GM's have temp banned in the past they only ban the account for which an offense was created.

Are GM's suppose to start on temp bans banning related accounts or not? I suppose that's an interesting question, and I think we shouldn't in most cases unless for very specific emergencies.
0) IP Ban would pretty much negate him playing on those other accounts
1) I'm not trying to be antagonistic but what was the point of the thread? There's been a ruling, his behaviour was deemed unacceptable, clear rules state that he got what was coming with a further proviso about what happens if it occurs again so...yeah, pretty much covered the whole ball of wax really.
IP ban is supposed to be on most extreme cases, or so I thought.
For the point of the thread, I do think that Type thinks this ban is merely useless, as Bloody have others accounts he's able to play on.
While this should have been asked in a ticket, the person was punished therefore his account(s) were temp banned.
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