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Full Version: My font color...
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I've received two complaints before about my font color.??I can read it perfectly.??I went through a lot of trial and error trying to find a shade of green that was both pleasing to me and visible on the forum background.
I have absolutely no problem discerning what I have written whether it is on the grey or tan backgrounds.

However, today I received a PM from a user who said that not only can they not see my text, they completely skip my posts altogether!

I like my font color.??It's different from the norm - which I despise.??Woohoo, black text.??It's too plain for me.??Call me a non-conformist and I'll probably thank you.??I enjoy being different and, yes, I'll do a bit extra to do so (although I don't really feel that typing "color=#7eb704" is going out of my way).

So, seriously, can you guys not read this???0.o?
I can, but it's annoying. I usually highlight it if I want to read it. It's not that it is impossible to read, it is more like you have to concentrate on it. Which I normally don't do in Hero forums.
I have no problem reading it personally, but I can understand if it becomes frustrating for some.
As a follow up:??How is this color???Does it, too, prove impossible to read?
Double post to display the color on tan background.??Still legible?
Yes, that color is much more readable. However I don't see the point of having a different color.
It is because I like it and because I can! What reason is there not to?!
I like the newer one better /ok

It looks nice, and is a lot easier to nonchalantly read. Like Ayantis mentioned, the shiny neon green takes one to focus on it to see whats read, or highlight it, so it could be annoying for some people I suppose. I usually just highlight your posts, but that green looks cooler anyways I think . Whistle
me too i like the new color
LoL - it wasn't neon green!

This is neon green!

My old color is more a dark chartreuse. Ok
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