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Meet akinator


He will guess a real or a fictionnal character.??

Sometimes he will need a second or a third chance to get it.??

Very powerfull Icon_smile
Very old too.


Weren't you supposed to be studying for your finals? Icon_razz
It only gets more efficient with time. People using it = optimisation everytime.

Its only a 20 question engine, nothing new.

Stop noobing, more studying.
If you get there, they'll make you program something similar in your AI classes. Icon_wink
not in my AI class I'll have next semester. And it was funnier when he was first created: without a huge database to help him find a caracter matching the criteria, it was easy to ask him troublesome question, like : the genie of aladin or Akinator himself! The thing here was that they all shared so many common points. Same thing is easy with anime caracter.

Nice, he didn't find Mystra, tisk tisk... but it *did* ask if I was Lilith. Icon_smile
Oh my...He knew I was thinking of Kurt Cobain.??=o

Okay...I'll try...hahaha...


The first, like, ten questions were all no.??Then he asks four or five yes questions and knows that I'm thinking of Legolas Greenleaf.??D:

Damn... Same with Inuyasha.??D:

I knew he was gonna get it when the first five questions were no and then he asked if he was from an anime.??Not even 20 questions.??D:

Okay...Another...More archaic...something completely arbitrary...Hmm...

omfg...He guessed Eddie, the dog, from Frasier.??I'm done.??I hate this guy.??D:<

One more...>_>

So far he has guessed: Akira, Hibiki Ryouga and Prince Planet.??I have no idea who those people are, but I have defeated him with DevilMan!??HAHAHAHAHA xD

I win!??xD
Holy crap, he knows Sol Badguy.

I'm going to get addicted to this now.

this thing has helped me remeber the names of anime characters i cant remember the series too, lol.
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