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Full Version: Random disconnects
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As of this typing, I cannot log in without DCing within mere seconds.

I've forwarded heRO's ports (which didn't need to be done in the past 2 years until now) and checked my connection (which reads all clear), yet I'm still getting DCs.

I can't seem to figure out exactly what's causing the problems. There's been some pretty moderate rain here recently, though I doubt it's the cause since this is the first time this has happened.

Any help would be appreciated.
Bloodbane Wrote:THANK YOU! >:O!
Er... for what?
But.. those AREN'T heRO's port numbers.

Infact, not a single one of those three is correct. Icon_razz
GM-Circe Wrote:But.. those AREN'T heRO's port numbers.

Infact, not a single one of those three is correct. Icon_razz

I know they're not. They're RO's (the game itself) port numbers.


Then I got punk'd.

heRO doesn't use the same ones to connect than iRO and all does.
In short, they aren't the ones that heRO requires. Icon_razz
Well, then!

I never managed to find them at all; main site, forum, or otherwise.
You don't need to forward any ports for RO to work. Not to play, since the connection is from you to the server, and port forwarding is for incoming connections. You only need to forward ports if you want to run your own server. So fowarding ports won't make any difference to you.

It seems to be on your end or with your ISP, since no one else is disconnecting as far as I can tell.
I've been getting this too :x but it seems like it's a problem with the cable in my house since the tv and phones are getting affected as well.
An update: It might be heRO itself.

When it starts DCing, the system CPU usage of heRO jumps up to 50% instead of the normal 1-3% it's usually at.

EDIT: I wonder if the patching of my heRO client went wrong somewhere?
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