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Full Version: Custom wings
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anyone find any of the quest npc's yet?
I know I know...
But he told me not to say....


The quest has been implemented yesterday on the main server. We will test the quests today. We will add palette that goes with the wings and 2 new type of wings i made yesterday as well. Scott is trying to fix everything. So be patient we are doing as much as we can, but we have school and work also. I've been spriting for like 6 hours yesterday, scott tested the GRF all the evening and Pan rearranged all the scripts.....


Here's a preview of the new Aerial Wings I made yesterday

[Image: wind_wings.jpg]
[Image: wind_wings2.jpg]
[Image: wind_wings3.jpg]
[Image: wind_wings4.jpg]
[Image: wind_wings5.jpg]
wheres the head :o? jk very nice. Cant wait!
>.< let''s all go out and find the NPC!!!
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