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Full Version: Rideword hat not working?
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I dont seem to be regening any hp or sp like the hat says I should...

I do however lose 10 hp every 5 seconds, go figure.
It does work, but it's never displayed.
It's easier to test with Mobbers as each mob has a chance to trigger the effect.
So it heals 8% character's hp while attacking or when attacked?
It has a 5% chance of healing 8% of your HP while you attack, and a separate 1% chance of healing 4% of your SP on the same condition.
If you're using it with Heat on an SG then you're correct - it doesn't work on heRO right now.
What about on a hunter?
It triggers when I use Sharp Shooting. It should also on normal attacks.
azurerogue Wrote:If you're using it with Heat on an SG then you're correct - it doesn't work on heRO right now.??

EFFFF if that's true I'm ticked I wasted a Blue Acidus card for Rideword Hat before ;o;
Heat doesn't work with any appropriate HP/SP gain based on damage in our SVN on heRO. It doesn't work on any SVN in Stable yet - only in Trunk.
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