heRO-Server Forum

Full Version: [Solved] Failed to get /patchlist_v2.txt
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You might have noticed (and I'm pretty sure you have) that the patcher is not working today. This is due to a situation out of our control.

We have submitted a support ticket to the hosting group that provide us with the bandwidth we use to serve the patches.

We will keep you updated on this situation. Please excuse this trouble.
This situation could cause you to see some people wearing scrambled color palettes if you did not update yesterday because we released the new palettes...you guessed it...yesterday.

This is a minor annoyance that will be fixed as soon as the patcher is back up.
For people who want to download the heRO patch, I poste a temporary link in the first post.
Problem solved. If you still experience problems, it's probably the DNS records of your ISP that are not updated. You'll have to wait until it's updated. Normally, these take 24-36 hours so it should not take much longer for everyone to be updated.
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