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Never really played low-rates, don't know much about them.

Came from a high rate server that I've been on or was on for a couple of years. Friends asked me to play this so let's see how long I last.

-Think I'm on the same boat as "Joe" another new member.
Hey there! Welcome to heRO. I hope you enjoy your stay. Who knows, maybe you'll come to like our rates more than your last server's? ;) I know I have.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask either here or on the main chat in-game. There are lots of people willing to lend a hand, believe me. <3
hi thar, welcome to HeRO!

dun wurry, low rates don't bite Laugh
basically it's mostly the same, but mostly rewards come a bit later... which imho is a good thing. If you feel like you're getting rewarded too easily, boredom comes to you too fast...

anyhoo, customs info etc are in the forums and wiki. GL and HF!

you can achive almost all the leveling needed for 1 char in 7 days instad of max level for 7 chars in 1. have fun man.
Sup Fang, this server's nice don't worry. Though we never hung out back in the other server, I hope we get to hang out here or so.
Haha thanks for welcomes and yes the people here are extremely nice. I've hit 70+ in a day or so 2 about. Seems okay...Could use a bit more help but they don't reply><
Well, hello to you. Don't worry about the replying part, most people just stays quiet since they can't help or basically didn't have their main chat on. I'm not much of a good player, but i'll help you out if you need it, or answer your questions on main chat if i see it. ^_^
Just don't ask me about PC, i can't help much with that. ^_^;
<--- Never played low-rates since 2006, Hero changed that~

GL HF dood!
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