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Full Version: found a bypass to AFK LEECH limit
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gonna make this quick.

5 min afk leech limit script in place on server, yea.

saw some folks using the auto-follow trick to remain afk for extended periods and leech XP points

just pointing it out -_-
wow, really?
Its not really that big a deal, since for most cases it can't be the leecher since that would make mobs switch target and generally mess up things. It would only work on low level monsters that doesn't switch target.

Also, in the future, if you think you found an exploitable bug you should notify the GMs via a support ticket, not announce it to the whole server.
Please do send in a support ticket for things like this.
austenn Wrote:some folks using the auto-follow trick to remain afk for extended periods and leech XP points
Not sure if it's illegal by itself.
It could just be someone in a party being too lazy to walk manually.
Nothing says great leeching like if the person needs to teleport and you're auto-following.

Man, I can imagine it now, especially if they're paying for it by the hour.

... Lulziest thing ever.
"Do Not Bot/Macro
Botting will result in a permanent ban of all accounts and any type of macro will result in a permanent account ban, no exceptions. Failure to pass the botting/macro test from GMs, regardless of "actual reasons," will be treated as using bots or macro programs. "

So honestly it doesn't matter. If they are auto-following and a bot test happen to pick them out, and they are afk thus fail to pass the test... well, sucks to be one of them then.
Namine, that makes it even funnier if they're paying in zeny by the hour.

And even more hilarious is thinking about it and looking at your avatar.
Actually Ive had a guy do this in a big nameless party. He went afk with a brief message about his mom needing him, autofollowed the priest and away he went..

It got to the point where I kept trying to kill him off, but the priest was too kind..
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