heRO-Server Forum

Full Version: O herro heRO!
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So, apparently I used to play on this server way back when, since I already have a forum account.. Don't remember that well, but I've been looking for a game to occupy me, and I've been having this urge to play RO again. So here I am! And I'm dragging one of my friends in with me! :3 Once she's done downloading and settin' up, we'll be joinin' in. I prefer creators, and she's never played before, so.. We've yet to figure out what she's gonna play. But I hope to see ya'll in game at some point!

welcome back to heRO :D hope you enjoy it as you did before Icon_biggrin
Hello hello and welcome back to heRO o/
i-is that osaka?
nice avatar guillermo :D too bad peco isn't here to see that :<
why herro thar!

HeRO's so good it keeps dragging people back to that black hole called RO... Laugh

anyway, updates etc are in the forums and wiki. GL and HF!

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