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Full Version: Darth Vader robs a bank
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I guess Darth Vader needs more money for his Death Star

[Image: 600_cp_darthvader_100724.jpg]

here's the article about it
Oh wow......i wonder what the cashiers face looked like...
thats not a laser gun.
I hope he tried to jedi-mind trick the teller before pulling the gun.
*hand wave, ominous Darth voice* You're going to put the money in the bag...
Teller goes, "Uhm....sir?"
"Oh screw it *gun out* fill the bag"
.....thats just....brillent. Shame he ruined it with the camo pants.
i guess intergalatic tyrants need a bailout or somthing.
I thought the banks did get them.
this just made my day :3
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