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Full Version: more channels than just @main
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I think it'd be a good idea if main had some split channels for people who are doing specific things. they would all be on when you startup, just like @main is on when login, but you could turn off things you didn't want to hear.

an example would be;

3 channels
@Main (for people to talk to each other)
@Trade (for people doing B/S/PC/A/T>, Etc...)
@Party (for LFP and LV89+ LF HP,Bragi, Etc...)

see what im getting at? so you login, and they would all be on, so it would be the same. and you use whichever channel you need, and turn off the ones you dont want to hear. that way, people can still do business w/o hearing all the trolls on main, and people can ignore all the party requests if they are soloing.
Hmmm, i thought that was discussed before...
Been suggested before, methinks, but not sure if it is technically doable without excessive hardcoding.
yeah youre right, it has on multiple occasions. i just searched for channel and came up with bunches of results. basically they said it couldnt be done without some pro programmer.

so yeah, my bad. i just thought to bring it up, since it was mentioned in @main.
i know its useless to say it, but , i would love it if main chat had channels, i could see there only really needing 2, a trade channel and regular main.
No its doable, I think it required a recompile.
And that recompile isn't happenin' most likely. :D
Dani has a very good point. We would have to recompile just to make main better. I say we just recompile and get rid of it for good Icon_biggrin. Much easier to REMOVE code than to add it !
I haven't laughed so much at a post on forums in awhile!
but, if you did, then you could use this excuse!
RevenantD Wrote:but, if you did, then you could use this excuse!

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