heRO-Server Forum

Full Version: Shoutbox?
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Well, there are times when people can't play for whatever reason, but they can still access the forums. Sometimes they're bored at school/work/someplace else. Being one of them atm, I thought about incorporating a shoutbox or chatbox feature to the forums if possible, so these people can talk to those in the same/similar situation.

Perhaps a silly idea, but well, never hurts to ask.
Yeah a sort of random chat idea :3
jsut a place to chit chat and get some entertainment from
Isnt main bad enough?
Whoops. Blame my laptop deprivation for not searching if something like that was already suggested.

Well, heRO grew since then, and I hate to admit it, partly because of the v4p thing where most of people don't even vote honestly but for the gears..oh well, pragmatism wins, I guess. I still stand up to my opinion, that "everyone's doing it" is not a valid argument.
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